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  1. My GT is Hell4u3 and I play halo. "Which Halo?" you many ask? All of them. I have been on board with the Halo franchise since Halo: CE and have spent countless hours(I did the math once, it was almost 2 years of actual game time) playing them all. I have been active on some Halo forums since Halo 2 and starting then I joined a Glitch/trick group called "DWT Productions". We have had some pretty well known tricks including a member landing "tower to tower" from Halo: CE last year. We have had a not so successful channel on youtube, but just recently started a new gaming group not limited to glitching called "Somefilthycasuals" that got partnered fairly quickly. We still enjoy meeting new member for "Somefilthycasuals", so if you are interested in playing, send me a F/R. That was my gaming experience, so let me tell you a little about myself outside of halo. I am 21 and currently enrolled in college for Web Design. I work at a pharmacy part time while going to class. And I plan to graduate sometime within the next year. Any questions? Comments?
  2. This is a video of how to get a flying pelican on the level "Reclaimer" and use it to move the mammoth around in the sky. The video has a text tutorial in the description and the video has a slight text tutorial along with visuals of both players. If you have any questions or need any help performing this trick, post here and I will respond as quick as I can. Enjoy!
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