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Status Updates posted by Fitterclub0733

  1. Dont just sit there go play some sports or something!

    1. Mr. Wolfy

      Mr. Wolfy

      But it's dark out .3. and only sport wolfies know is hunting :3

  2. I'm a full member now! :D

    1. haloman 2

      haloman 2

      well i don't know you but your neighbor silent orbs introduced me to you

    2. haloman 2

      haloman 2

      also i love your picture

    3. Fitterclub0733
  3. Hey Admin! :D Why can't I shout in the shoutbox?

  4. Hey, I'm new. I'm also Silent Orbis' friend/neighbor. But, why can't I chat in the Shout Box?

    1. HollowPseudonym


      You're in the new members usergroup, you need to become a full member before you can use the shoutbox. You need 5 posts to become a full member :)

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