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Joystiq 36O

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  • Interests
    I love Halo, its hardcore community, its casual community, and all that's in between.

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    Joystiq 36O

Joystiq 36O's Achievements


Grunt (1/19)



  1. I want to win some Team Throwdown matches.

  2. "I just played for about 2 hours, i was hoping to have a good time but this is almost always ruined by the most idiotic teammates. In those 2 hours i won 1 game...1. In all cases i had the highest score. I know that there is nothing one can do about having stupid teammates but what might be some suggestions? I have a total of 320 incomplete games and i honestly couldn't care less about being banned for an hour. Always having useless teammates always frustrates me and simply ruins the entire gaming experience." Dear Grunt, I empathize with you that it can be frustrating to play matches with what you consider to be lower-skilled teammates and end up losing them. I do have a few suggestions for how to tackle this issue that I’ll share with you so that you can hopefully experience more wins and at the least, always end games happier and with the learning from plays that didn’t work. When discussing your future, hypothetical victories, I will always attribute your team as the cause. After reading your issue, it’s clear to me you understand that individual kill/death is not the most important factor in winning the match. As a disclaimer, the winning of Halo 4 matches can likely be most effectively done by forming a steady team that practices and always seeks ways to improve. Also, you may be able to ultimately better your experiences in matches by forming a more positive outlook. If you don’t play with a steady team, the following information may help increase you and your team’s chances of winning. Firstly, you may find it useful to address your mindset that they are stupid as far as Halo goes. If you do this, you can potentially work with them more effectively and figure angles that better increase the chance of your team’s success. It's true, in fact that some of these players may be very clever in their map positioning, decisions for when to challenge, etc., but it’s also true that important winning factors such as team-shooting (more so in Halo 4 than ever before) and good map control are products of a team’s quality communication, collaboration, and the successful executing of its strategies made. If you attempt to carry out these strategies I’ve noted to be successful, you make be rewarded with not only good individual ratings in matches, but also team victories. To tackle executing these things mentioned with unknown teammates can be very difficult. I urge you to keep your cool, make use of team plays if you're not already, and don't sweat it when the opposing team comes out on top. If you form a positive outlook on these matches and vocally spread the attitude throughout your team, you will likely increase your chances of winning immediately. Also, when you finish these matches with the top score it displays your higher individual skill in slaying opponent(s), (at least when paired up with these teams because of your good aim, chemistry with them, and/or etc.) which leads me to my next suggestion. If you are confident that your accuracy when shooting opponents is the best on your team or you simply think you are more suited to slay the opposing team for whatever be the reason, take advantage of it by tirelessly protecting your teammates. This will likely decrease your team’s death-count, thus increase your chance of winning slayers. To drill this into your mind and to be excruciatingly repetitive, I’ll note that if you think your teammates will be slayed excessively, the chances of your team winning would increase by you always watching their backs and supporting them in duels. Of course awareness of your team is always beneficial, but if you are clearly a more effective slayer than put yourself out there, so to speak. It could pay off big time.
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