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The Stig

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The Stig last won the day on February 10 2014

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  • Location
    North Eastern America
  • Interests
    Driving, Gaming, Training, Travelling.

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The Stig's Achievements

343 Guilty Spark

343 Guilty Spark (19/19)



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  1. Taking my dog to the vet always worries me... she is old now and I'm afraid I will receive bad news one day... :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Stig

      The Stig

      I've had three other dogs before. One was a Westhighland terrier named "Frosty". We gave him to my dads friend after he bite my brother, he just recently passed away. My dad, brother and I were their by his side as he went. It was really dramatic for us. We had a second dog, named "Rusty Bell" or just Rusty. He was a Yorkshire Terrier. He was crazy (literally) and spastic (but in a good way). He lived for almost 17 years.

    3. The Stig

      The Stig

      And lastly we got a rare mix puppy from somewhere I was to young to remember, and he died less than two weeks of being part of our family. He got run over (or should I say CRUSHED) by a Semi Truck, after the cable repair man forgot to close the gate in the back... My brother and I were at our nana's house when our parents came in crying telling us what happened... :(

    4. The Stig

      The Stig

      I've seen a lot of death of family pets growing up... It never gets any easier... And now Honey (that's my dogs name) is getting near the end of the road... And I don't think I can handle losing another best friend, and family member again... Its too much for me to take. :'(

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