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NiiTRoXiiC x

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Everything posted by NiiTRoXiiC x

  1. Anyone fancy playing some of the Original Infection maps and just having some fun? Mix abit of FFA's on Guardian as well? Holla at me NiiTRoXiiC x
  2. Hey there guys, Hosting Halo 3 customs Alot of people like myself miss the old times The fun infection game modes such as Fat kid and things Also will be hosting other customs such as MLG customs for the competitive type such as MLG slayer, CTF, OddBall, and King of the Hill variants on the Pit, Construct, Guardian, Amplified, Onslaught, and Heretic. Things like Jenga and things will be featured. Hide and Seek will aso be hosted. FFA's on Guardian; BR's and Snipe Customs as well for the people who had fun playing on the map. Octagon For mass and high speed killing with fiesta options. and So on. HOSTING THEM RIGHT NOW If you would like a Invite to the game; :right: :right: Message my GT "NiiTRoXiiC x" saying inv or reply to this post.
  3. Everyone misses abit of Halo3 now and then. I thought for the original gamers who loved playing Halo 3 I would host some customs -MLG -Infection -FFA you name it SO far we've got two If you wanna join in on the fun Reply to this post or message NiiTRoXiiC x for an INV Will hopefully be glad to be playing with you all :')
  4. Loving the ideas and different concers coming from this topic I've made. 343 have so many things to implement so far overviewing everyone's concerns - Flag juggling should be implemented/ Some people prefer no flag juggling due to the announcer looping phrases alot. - Flinch should be taken out; Totally unneccesary. - Social Interaction in social playlists, all communication between both teams. -The whole pistol & Flag combo should be taken out/ People favour the pistol & Flag combo due to unadequate team mates. - A ranking system similiar to Halo 3 and reach/ No ranking system based on skill. - Take out specializations and keep to just having normal armor abilities like Halo reach. - Theater mode should be like halo 3; Many people can view a flim/clip in the same lobby again. -Implement objective game modes into Big team game modes. - No join in progress, Loadouts and perks. - Campaign needs to have more gameplay time overall. - Battle rifle to be buffed to a 4shot kill or increased fire-rate. - Make spawn times slightly longer - Fixed loadouts and weapon ordanance on the map. - Weaken the Mantis; Overpowered on Ragnarok. - Reduce the amount of power weapons at one time, or make ordanance require more points to be gained. - Make all DLC free instead of having to pay.
  5. Hosting Customs; Preferably trying out the old school MLG maps from Halo 3 We have two Message NiiTRoXiiC x saying "inv" or reply to this post. - Many Thanks Nitro
  6. Hi there, These are my recent concerns when it comes to Matchmaking and what I would like to be changed. The battle rifle. I think the battle rifle needs to be a little stronger, when compared to the DMR, when it comes to finishing off the enemy. The DMR comes out on top due to it being one single clean headshot. However when it comes to using the BR it can take 1-3 to finish someone off and I find that very concering. The battle rifle should be a four shot, due to it's three burst and it's lack of range power should favour. However due to the DMR being much better in range, It should stay a five shot. Flinch/Recoil I don't like the idea of having flinch or recoil. In every other halo game besides reach there wasn't ever flinch/recoil and I find it highly annoying. When it comes to Rifle duels it should be about accuracy not about having to control the recoil all the time. Like for the sniper for example; When i'm trying to snipe I don't want to have to worry that If I get shot at my scope will jitter upwards continously, Like team snipers; I find it fun to play but the whole idea of the recoil being so large when you get shot at is really bad. Taking fire while scoping in. In every halo game besides this one, You couldn't take fire whilst scoping in. It would force you to come straight out of your scope. Taking that out, makes it so much easier for even social players to snipe people because let's face it all they have to do is wait until you walk into their line of sight, line up the headshot, and a easy kill. I would much rather have the ability not to be able to take fire while scoping, than have my scope jittered up continously. Lastly to finish this off, Objective game modes. For default, CTF and Oddball. The idea of throwing the ball and being able to have the ability to shoot while having the flag is great. The catch is, having infinite ammo makes it so much easier for the people with the flag to spawnkill repetitively. For competitive game modes, Throwdown. It should go back to old school Halo times, Flag juggling. The option to be able to drop the flag and pick it up again should be implemented into the playlist instead of having the ability to shoot whilst holding the flag. The ability to shoot whilst holding the flag isn't needed in objective game modes, it should be like original MLG settings, having someone to juggle the flag back to their base, using different methods, or shortcuts that the player may know of. Instead now the objective player can decide to play slayer and want to continously kill people with infinite ammo. To summarise it all. - BR to be a four shot - Take flinch/recoil out. - Take the ability to scope while being fired at out. - for Default, CTF and team Objective, Make the Flag runner have normal ammo instead of infinite. - For competitive, Implement Flag Juggling. These are my personal concerns and why I personally think they should implemented. Constructive criticism would be appreciated. To conclude. What changes would you like 343Industries to implent and why? -NiiTRoXiiC x
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