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Posts posted by paulic83

  1. Yeah I think I have to agree with you it needs more variation, though I do like the game but i'm starting to see that 343 are only putting very basic game types in! Halo 4s playlists on the whole need spicing up need more different objective game types and maybe slayer pro not in a seperate playlist but there in the votes I do hope 343 vastly expands not just action sack but the whole playlist!

  2. I'm all for this CSR coming back but I also wouldn't of minded seing the pro leagues from reach coming backwhich I presume was the replacment which i'm guessing didn't go down well with the fans! I think in a lot of ways it was a good idea as it only included the people who cared about it with monthly premotions and demotions and removing most easy kill wepeons and some AA's (though somebody thought leaving armour lock in was a good idea)! But it was pretty good on the whole, was it just me and my bro who would of liked to see it return?

  3. I'd say the storm rifle is the most powerful in the right hands! Suppressors extreme rate of fire make it a beast up close and i'm pretty sure would own them both but it's rather inaccurate, I think i'd say AR my favorite it's the best all rounder though dependant on map I will go suppressor sometimes!

  4. The 2nd option is totally pointless as like you said it would be like the plasma pistol so there for who would use it? I think they should nerf it by stopping the abillity to hold the charge for a couple of seconds at the end so it istantly fires as soon as it fully charges making it much harder to time, I think thats the only way you can nerf it and still make it the ohk wepeon it was intended to be!

  5. Your probably right it probably is but I still enjoyed it wasn't perfect but certainly hated more than it should be! As 1 in perticular( armour lock) seemed to do it for most people. I do think there were some big possitives in reach it had the best forge for a start, I think halo 4 needs to borrow a few ideas off reach's playlists, I wish firefight made a comeback I rather enjoyed it! But on the whole I think 4 is better!

  6. I've seen a lot of complaints on here about so many parts of the game a lot really don't bother me, I think the games great! The 1 I would love to see implemented for halo 5 is dedicated servers it would put an end to the majority of lag look how well it works on battlefield 3 it runs better than any halo or cod and there's way more going on! More importantly if it allows people to rent out servers just imagine how much easier it would be to get a custom game running if it listed all servers you could switch your kill cams off and half the stuff you all hate it would make the game so much better, come on 343 do us a favour

  7. I don't see why they couldn't put invasion back in or a type of invasion it wouldn't be to bad being spartan vs spartan I didn't care much for elites!


    I do agree big team slayer needed its own playlist but halo 4 still needs big team objective I had some great games on it and would love to see it make a come back.


    Joining mid game I do agree I know some people hate it and I must admit I get annoyed when I get landed in a game of capture the flag on a loosing team but its nowhere near as bad as like you say everybody jumping out early and leaving you to take a beating which can't be avoided without quiting which I can't stand doin.

  8. I'm sure the mass majority would agree it was just annoying and I am pro reach just that 1 thing got under my skin think I know it worked miracles that's the problem! It was the dilema of wait for the armour power bar to run down and more than likely get gunned down off 1 of their team mates or run off and leave them it really should of been taken out of the playlist matches and certainly the pro league matches I found it hard to believe they removed active cammo over that, hardline shield was a brilliant idea for a replacment!

  9. I'm still waiting for some slayer forge maps to turn up in the playlist they've put an extra 1 in for swat 3 ( I think) in capture the flag but still none in for forge I think standard slayers most in need I very rarley get more than the standard 5 maps to pick from. 1 map off the 1st map pack has gone into slayer but i've played it 1s. I'm not asking for the ton of maps that kept churning out for reach as a lot were complete rubbish but some (uncaged, assylum and 1 or2 others) were just as good if not better than some of the standard maps and the votes showed! Just 3 or 4 decent maps maybe a couple for big team will do it a world of good!


    Castle mappacks looking quite promising maybe they will make a BTB playlist when this turns up.........

  10. ARMOUR LOCK? Please tell me this is a joke! Worst thing bungie ever did for halo this should be top of OPs list of why 4 is better! It stopped the game dead everytime some noob started loosing a battle, I think the hardline shield is a far better replacment for it!


    I quite liked swordbase if I got my hands on the UNSC granade launcher I used to clock up some serious kills with all the campers in that little room with out even peeping in:-)!

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  11. Im with you love it overall but I do think fiesta though fun is maybe a little to random. It's fine when your getting a launcher everytime but ive gone 3 times on the bounce where it's given me scattershot which though would be fine on a normal game really doesnt stand up to rocket launcher fuel rod or the inceneration cannon! I much prefer the other 2 modes though binary slayer kill needs uping it's over way to quick.

  12. Not for me they haven't i've completed or come very close to most of the wepeons on it, well fiesta obviosly has everything but unless your carrying something pretty heavy duty you don't get very far! Fuel rod is about the only wepeon it will probably help with as it seems a bit rare I only ever see it on exile, i'm not overly keen on fiesta though its ok but it's a bit much when best I get offered is a scattershot and the whole other team have launchers, it's almost like you have to die to get another go in the wepeon lottery!

  13. 343i are currently working on a FFA Playlist it said in lastweeks news feed. I don't think regicide is a bad game mode it just should not of replaced FFA! I know what you mean about the dlc i've bought it the 1st one is all but dead they very rarely get a game on any of them.

  14. Ive just put a few hours into the new action sack playlist and i've got to say for the most part I am impressed aside from the fiesta which maybe is a little bit too random. Sometimes ive had the choice of sword hammer or speed boost and others i've been given the choice of rocket launcher and the like, its fun but can get a little bit too much! I really like the other 2 modes though binery slayer is brilliant apart from only being upto 300 I think that should of been higher, I think they should of done a mode just with the sword and thrust pack it's quite fun havin little duels! Rocket slayer kicks ass aswell I think it's a nice change of pace all in all.

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  15. I think it would be better than what happens now because at the minuite I keep finding teams with a player with the ball holder camped near the side soon as they think they might die they throw it over the edge! It probably does happen by accident every now and then but it would stop people hanging round the edge of the map anyway and if you do then its your own fault, I like oddball but this just keeps happening and ruins it.

  16. I'm not to far away from finishing UNSC just spartan lazer has quite a bit to go on that but there's no real problem on there! Forrunners i've got about 60% done though the pulse granades may take a while with them. That plasma pistol though I cant see me finishing that at all it wouldn't be worth damaging my already not brilliant 1.2 k/d record

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