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Jernst Reborn

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Posts posted by Jernst Reborn

  1. well i guess i'll delete my start to a highground remake.....lmao!  Great job once again you big llama!  I will be playing this in my hometown system link on June 1st and i'll have some video up of the action ;)

  2. Ok so I tested this map and have to say it was aesthetically pleasing all around and was a lot of fun!  However we found the best team size to be 2v2 or 3v3, anything else got a little chaotic.  We were able to play a few games of Slayer, FFA, and Oddball.  I'd put the max to 8 players.


    Some suggestions:

    Take away the Fuel Rod spawn because this weapon is much too powerful for a close range map like this.  I destroyed a lot of people with that thing haha ;)


    Also possibly make it only 1 sticky det spawn and in a different location, or just switch out the weapon for a less powerful one.  If you are good with the sticky det on this map, no one can kill you!  (maybe concussion rifle?)


    Is the map set up for FFA?  We had 4 people and one of them spawned outside of the map on start in Infinity Rumble gametype.


    Other than that the map was awesome!  Especially for 2v2 :)  GREAT JOB!!!!

  3. Author: Jernst Reborn with help from TurbTastic


    Gametype: Ultimate Frisbee


    Map: Ultimate Frisbee Ravine Arena (more coming very soon!!!)


    Players: 8-16

    Teams of 4-7 each work best.


    Just run around, jump, and use your grenade button to throw!


    When thinking of new mini-games a few months back, I tried to make an ultimate frisbee gametype because I played in college and still play in PADA and other tournaments around the country. I noticed someone else had created this gametype but it really didn't feel like Ultimate because the ball carrier could move, people could die, the scoring zone was only 1 point, etc...


    We have created a much more realistic version of Ultimate Frisbee using different feature in Halo 4! Teams start at either side and run to the middle where the frisbee(Grifball) will spawn. There is a soft kill zone in the very middle so people cannot camp this area.


    In this version the ball carrier cannot move. The ball carrier also gets a trait that lets him jump about 25% higher than everyone else. The object of the game is to pass it to your teammates until you make it to the scoring zone on the other side. The other team tries to intercept it and do the same. If you throw the ball too far and miss your target when no one is near, it will automatically reset to the starting point.


    The key for letting the ball carrier score at any point in the endzone is that he can jump higher than everyone else. Once you make it to the endzone with the ball, all you have to do is jump and then you teleport to the scoring point above the rest of the court! The new round will then begin with everyone in starting positions. Also the endzones are clearly marked by either red or blue light, so remember you are trying to score in the other teams goal clear.png


    If you do accidentally have the ball and happen to jump in YOUR OWN ENDZONE, fear not, we have a soft kill zone there so you will die and be spawned back on the court. Also if you try to throw the ball from up in this position it will reset.




    Hope you all enjoy the map and gametype! DISC!!!!


    The Stadium



    Players rush to the middle to pick up the frisbee



    The ball carrier can jump slightly higher than everyone else, so time your throws right and aim a little higher than usual!



    Try to intercept when you can!



    Blue team scores in the red zone



    Red ream scores in the blue zone



    When you jump in the endzone, you teleport here and it automatically scores!



    If someone gets too close when you have the disc, you can punch them away. Also it will move you a little closer to where they are, which discourages camping the carrier near the endzone.



    Have fun! Use communication! Be Competitive!




    Let me know your feedback and I will also be posting more maps for the gametype soon!

    • Like 2
  4. IN LOVE! Great job with everything!!! My only suggestion is that for clearer HD screenshots, go into theater mode and take screenshots, upload them to your file share, then go onto your computer and download them from halowaypoint.com  :laughing:

  5. Trust me, i know this is 343's forums, but I honestly don't care about bashing them here....they could care less about halo 4 and its fan base.  It makes me sick to turn on the game and see like 50k total population at peak hours at most!  They messed up in a lot of ways and the biggest way was not listening to the community at all!  (Keep in mind in this Rant when i say 343i i also am including Certain Affinity since they are working together)


    Lots of us, especially forgers, wanted the game types that were in most of the other halo games...race, assault, 1-flag, all 1-sided game types, etc....but yet 6 months into it's release and they have said in multiple statements that the only other updates will be bug fixes!


    Forge sucks!  When i spend 20 hours on a forge map i expect it to be beautiful!  I expect there to be no lag, no lighting issues, no graphical errors, and to have completely smooth play.  Unfortunately with Halo 4's forge I have not had this experience yet.  If you build a big map.....it lags!  If you build a beautiful map with amazing scenery that is big enough for a 4v4 game.....it lags!  You basically have to use as much of the landscape and as little of your own blocks and especially windows as possible to create a completely smooth and playable 4v4 competitive map.  Also quoted above i talked about some of the glitches that forge has........i have noticed some improvement with Forge Island but literally Forge Island might have taken them an hour to build.....no offense.


    Another thing is Spartan Ops.  One of the big selling points of the game was that the spartan ops story line would be continuously updated weekly until Halo 5 came out, that way there is something always new to play.......well they straight up LIED!  They have already said that spartan ops would probably not have a 2nd season or any more episodes for season 1.  Which is kind of crazy thinking that only 9 or 10 episodes were released within the first few months and then they stopped making them.....what is 343 doing?  Only working on Halo 5?


    Thirdly, the map pack was a rip off for them to make money.  I mean isn't it always?  But this time these maps were already created prior to launch...sure they hadn't been tested but the maps were indeed formed and created and even named before the launch of Halo 4.  This way they didn't have to waste their time making new content while still trying to fix their broken game.  Yet they didn't fix their broken game.


    I honestly don't know what 343i is up to, what they are interested in, and if they will ever listen to the community as well as Bungie did for so many years.  All i know is that Bungie Studios is laughing their asses off right now knowing that Halo 5 will pose no competition whatsoever against their upcoming title "Destiny".  Have you seen their GROGNOK world building tool? It could probably build the world of Halo in a few hours.  I still forge pretty much every other day and play matchmaking and custom games when i can, but i have lost all respect for 343 industries and hope that one day they will learn from their mistakes.


    Sorry for the rant lol

    • Like 1
  6. This map looks very original. Great use of trees as little plants; however it seems that all the beautiful aesthetics are focused around that middle part. As you go further out, those aesthetics are no longer there. I would recommend adding a Window Colosseum for as the roof for some parts on the outside. It will let some light in and make the surroundings of the map more pleasing.


    That is actually a really good idea Mr. Llama! I'll see if i can free up enough budget for some coliseum windows. They are freaking expensive on forge island :/

  7. Author: Jernst Reborn


    Map: Greenhouse


    Gametypes: Works with Infinity Slayer, Rumble, CTF, KOTH, Oddball, Regicide, and Multiteam!


    Players: 4-8 rumble, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4, even multiteam with up to 4+ teams is fun!


    When I saw the trees in forge island I thought of the many things I could do with them. Then I came up using the tops of the trees sticking out of the ground as Mary Jane plants and built a map based around them! It sort of has a pineapple express feel to it, as there is the main growing area in the center, surrounded by different packing and storage rooms. I haven't really created too many aesthetically pleasing maps in Halo 4 yet so please feedback and criticism is much appreciated!



    Sniper Rifle: 150 seconds

    Sticky Detonator: 120 seconds

    Needler: 90 seconds

    2 sets Plasma Grenades: 90 seconds

    2 sets Frag Grenades: 90 seconds



    Overshield/Damage Boost/Speed Boost x2

    Middle Green Sun Room


    Concussion Rifle/SAW/Railgun x2

    Hallways near Red and Blue bases


    There are pretty much 3-5 ways to get into each room so the map balances out well and no one holds up anywhere. All sections are color coded for easy callouts. There is a lift and two drop downs in the back storage room as well as stairwells throughout the map to make it flow easily from 1st to 2nd floor and vice versa. We had a great time playing all of the gametypes on this map, and I am very pleased how it turned out clear.png


    I hope everyone has as much fun playing on this map as I did making it!






















    Please leave constructive criticism at the bottom, let me know if weapons, spawns, etc. are alright!

  8. post-9451-0-29251100-1373022442_thumb.jpg


    Authors: Jernst Reborn and TurbTastic


    Map: Aggro Crag


    Gametype: Aggro Crag


    Based on the previous race map Everest Cavern, this mini-game features the fun aspect of trying to race your mongoose up a rocky cliff while crates and barricades tumble down towards you. Just like in the show Nickelodeon GUTS, race against your friends to the top of the Crag to hit the actuator (in this case grab the oddball) while dodging falling debris. The actuator is sitting in the hand of the Giant Shmeef, so don't make him angry!


    We tested out many party sizes for this minigame and its fun all around from 3-16 players! The rounds are set to 3 minutes and there are 7 rounds, but with large parties the rounds usually only last a minute or two. Feel free to change it to 9 rounds or whatever you want. There is a teleporter system below the cliff so if you fall off of your mongoose you aren't totally lost! Trust me i've seen many people come from behind and win the round even after falling off the edge clear.png Also important if you do fall off your mongoose and can't reach your own (jumping is disabled until the top temple) you can fall off the side of the cliff and there are extras near the bottom.


    I hope you enjoy the track and let us know what you think!


    The Giant Shmeef, guardian of the temple....



    The Crag...



    The starting line!



    And they're off!







    Watch out for the falling barricades, they're slow but pack a punch!



    More importantly watch out for the other drivers, they aren't on your team clear.png



    Gettin rocked! It's hilarious watching your friends get knocked past you clear.png



    Almost at the temple....



    You made it to the Giant Shmeef! Grab the idol and win the round!




    Please leave your feedback! Thanks for playing clear.png

  9. Awesome flood map! I like the eery effect the stupid mist on top of the water gives.  Thank you 343 for not making the water graphically pleasing.....lol

    Anyway i was also wondering how the heck do you find the time to make so many maps?!? It seems like you're posting multiple per week!

  10. Co-Authored by: Jernst Reborn and TurbTastic


    Gamertag: Jernst Reborn


    Map Name: Everest Cavern


    Gametype: RACETRACKS


    Canvas: Erosion


    Players: 4-16 (the more you have the more fun it is)


    Do you have what it takes to conquer Everest?  What about Everest in a Cavern?  Yea didn't think so.....Through our combined efforts TurbTastic(creator of MK64 Remakes) and I (Jernst Reborn) have created an insanely fun but yet competitive race map in the erosion canvas.  Using literally every vertical inch of the map, this track is immensely fun and yet challenging at the same time!  We guarantee hours of fun while trying to conquer Everest Cavern!


    We have spent a lot of time testing, fixing, retesting, changing, testing, changing, and retesting this map, so a ton of hours went into it.  I would say the hardest thing and the thing we really shouldn't have done is have the both of us in a forge map at the same time.  We had the "1 degree" glitch multiple times and had to completely redo sections of the map.  If one of our connections would go bad, it would really shift some of the pieces.  This map has a lot of fun track with downhills and jumps, but also has an insanely challenging rock face that you must ascend to reach the Temple at the top!  If you fall off don't fret, we have a teleporter checkpoint system set up so that you don't die (unless you aren't in the mongoose) and so you don't get too far behind other competitors. Also we have put some funny aesthetics into the map so be on the look out ;)


    We would especially like to thank the DRG Community Clan for helping us with the testing multiple times and giving us a lot of input :)  Hope you guys enjoy playing this map, let us know what you think!


    IMPORTANT!!!   Be on the look out for our next maps, which feature mini-games based on our same Everest layout :)































    You are gonna have some hilarious falls and crashes let me tell you :P

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  11. i have to say it was a fun map to play, but i didn't like how you could go under all of the buildings. i usually like to see remakes that really have the same feel of being in the old map. I was working on a headlong remake a few months ago and then my halo 2 disc broke (i was doing it to scale). i know you ran out of blocks and things, but i really didn't like how things weren't to original scale. maybe try using the impact terrain as i feel i can usually get more out of the "Impact" structure pieces to use on my maps. it was a good try though and keep working out the kinks i think you could have a good map!

  12. I personally haven't been too upset with forge until this past week. Sure it has bugs and the precision editing isn't there like it was in Reach, but i was able to get by (mostly because i wasn't focusing on smaller more detailed maps). This week though.....I am going crazy! I have been working on a map for the 4v4 Slayer Forge Competition posted by THFE. I worked very hard and diligently on two maps, and have had a hard time balancing enough time between work and finishing my degree as well as Forging. The problem i have been having is that every time i save these maps and come back it them, no matter how many times i fix them without using edit coordinates or magnets, my pieces somehow become out of place!!! Its so frustrating! My floors and walls and ceilings among many other things look amazingly spotless and aligned...until i come back the next day to forge again. They need to fix this! Anyone else feel my frustration?

  13. TurbTastic add me "Jernst Reborn" i can discuss with you some ideas for your doubles maps, as i am currently working on a few doubles maps myself. I feel like we could really incorporate some of these ideas in these and in other tracks. I will be on from about 5:30-9 EST tonight after work.

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