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Everything posted by Spawn42082

  1. I figured out my Issue, Here it is. For some reason after playing each EP it didnt save, it doesnt say completed on it not sure why but it doesnt i noticed this cause EP 5 says Completed also EP 1 but 2, 3 , and 4 does not say it even though ive played them 3 diff times, so no im gonna try to play them again and see if it fixes it, i would assume it would, ill confirm it soon as i finish them
  2. yes it comes with 2 disc i have them both installed to my hard drive i did try putting the second disk it, but it just said the disk has been installed and to put disk one in I will try this and let you knwo how i made outn Thanks for all the help everyone your all great!
  3. Hello everyone, Im new here, i signed up to get a little help with an issue im having with the game, Topic already posted in tech section, but figured i would introduce my self, Names Spawn (Jake) Im a Halo addict have been since Halo 1, Im very Happy with the way 343 has picked up the ball, i feel they did a fantastic job with the game and i look foward to the next 2 Halos to come out. Im an easy going guy who loves to game, Also im looking for a bunch of peeps (A Clan) to game with, I come with a Website thats waiting to be used so If your Clans looking for a sponser for webspace im your man. Well thats about it See ya!
  4. I got the Standard one Yes i Did download that. Also I thank you for helping guys, I thought that this was a place for People from 343 to help people with prob is this just fan based Help here, not that im being picky just want to know incase i need to contact them directly if this isnt the place to do so Also i should mention i can watch the cinamatic for each EP but like i said can only play up to EP5
  5. Ya i deleted it and redownloaded it and its still not working
  6. Missing Sparten Ops 6,7, and 8 I have downloaded the DLC needed for it and i have beaten EP 5 am i doing something wrong? can someone help me with this please and thank you
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