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  1. Euxz

    Grenades are a joke

    Wow. I do play smart (KD is well but I'm not competitive any more, was on halo 3) but people constantly throw grenades. I don't get how you don't understand, you don't need to be in a corner to be nade whored. Plus you can spawn with plasma nades, that's hell. I just played another game on a decent big map and still nade whored. It's so trash. I'm just going to sell this game. I have had problems like this for months and today just sold it. I bet the amount of grenades thrown in Halo 4 is more than CoD BO2 and MW3 combined. Getting halo 5 for campaign and then selling it. 343 didn't do well in MY opinion. I'll stick to bungie and yes I know they made reach, that's why they sold the franchise because they know they did bad on it. Good bye forums.
  2. Euxz

    Grenades are a joke

    Are you kidding me? It's not like it takes you a while to die, average life about 20-45 seconds but there are a lot of people that put a third nade perk. Thats ridiculous and an explosive perk. And it isn't a "dent" it's constant hail fire of grenades. They will always first reaction to throw a grenade when they see anyone. I got naded 4 times after a semi-fail sticky detonator, and not even that scenario, its all of them. Constant grenades and I think they should nerf them a bit. I know it's not going to happen becasue 343 doesn't always listen to good ideas or bad ones if that's what you're calling mine. But whatever I'm just ranting.
  3. Grenades are the worst in Halo 4 as it was in Halo Reach. It wasn't a grenade game in halo 3 as bad and BARELY in halo 2. I'm so tired of grenades being thrown SO DAMN MUCH. It's completely ridiculous how many grenades are thrown in a regular slayer game. Make grenades a bit less powerful or lessen the amount on the maps and make it so you spawn with 1. And please play more than one game of team slayer (or any 4v4 game type) before you comment on how wrong I am.
  4. I did the weekly campaign challenge where you complete "Reclamation" Reclaimer on legendary with Mythic, Tilt, Tough Luck and Thunderstorm skulls on. Plus I did "a hard rain" for a 2 birds 1 stone deal. I was SR 59 with 3k left till SR 60. I complete the mission and complete the 2 challenges and reach SR 60. I choose a specialization and it gets me to SR 61 like it should by default. And it didn't give me the other 37k EXP out of the total 40k for completing the challenges. Has this happened to anyone else?
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