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Posts posted by xXxMARCHANDxXx

  1. I'm a F/A looking for a dedicated team that I can communicate with and everyone has the same goal which is to get better as a team. I've been playing Halo since the demo for Halo: CE... I know this game like I know the back of my hand. I just need some players that are as dedicated as I am to work together and grow as a team. Add my GT and message me if your serious about starting a team or already have one in place and looking for another solid player. My GT is xXxMARCHANDxXx message me on XBL preferably or on the PGL website. My hours are pretty flexible but I mostly play in the afternoon at the moment usually from 3 p.m. central - until...

  2. They have to lower the price cause it sucks major balls. In all these years I've played Halo Bungie never had to lower their price cause they made an amazing game and always thought of their fans ... AND THATS A FACT!!!

    But 343 **** up such an amazing game, they got nothing on Bungie!

    These Spartans look like ****. The helmets are garbage and every thing in between. What a ******* EPIC FAIL!!!!


    Maybe you should go and compare the armor from the other games the armor/graphics/sounds are stupendous compared to any other halo game....and they should be. I would like to know how 343 wasn't considering you or any other fan when they made halo 4? As far as I'm concerned they did a great job, and did exactly what bungie should have been doing instead of making games like ODST or REACH they were fun games but they just weren't halo. I'm sorry if 343 peed in yours or anyone's cheerios by not throwing master chief on another halo and having him blow it up.....and keep playing there's a helmet for everyone you just have to have the time to look through all 38 of em ;)

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