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Posts posted by Irieee

  1. Millions of gamers? Yeah, because obv. millions of people attend, watch and follow MLG events. Try checking the stream numbers next time you get the chance.


    Sorry if I came across as millions were involved attending, watching and following MLG. That was not the intention I was implying. More or less I ment millions of Halo fans past and present that are not happy with the current direction and formula Halo has taken.


  2. Perhaps the game was not as big of a success as Halo 2 or 3 (not that I know of), but trust me. Halo 4 did send a message. 343 showed us how a series, that could have simply have been left for dead, would stand up and refuse to die out. Instead of burning out, this series kept on and did a pretty good job doing so. Maybe it didn't turn out the way some individuals wanted it to, but you just have to accept what the author of the book writes or just leave it.


    I am not arguing your point and opinion as it does hold validity if that's what the developers want. I was just hoping this game would last 2+ years with over 100,000 players consistently on for challenging games. If you were to see a graph of the population from day 1 til now, it is an insane drop off from multiplayer.


    This youtube video is a pretty accurate description of what Halo has grown too....


  3. Well most of you are just complaining about Halo 4 not being made just so. Remember, 343 are not miracle workers and you guys should know that. Also, I believe that the game is not that bad, hell, I found it just as good as the other Halo tittles. Open-mindedness people...


    Trust me, I care about the game as much as you and other fans of the franchise. I want the game to succeed! It might feel like the majority of us are complaining but, the reality is we just want the game to last as long as Halo 2 and Halo 3.

  4. I'm getting tired of replying to these... Tell you what, Black Ops II is just around the corner :troll:


    Halo players do not want Black Ops 2, I think that is the whole point of why we are speaking out...

  5. Real Halo means as the game designers made it. If they only wanted 5 weapons, no radar, different movement speeds and shield strengths and gun strengths, levels built differently, etc, then that's what they would have made. But it's not. MLG redesigns the game. It's a glorified custom game.


    Protecting your flag with a power weapon has always been a part of Halo-it is, after all, a good strategy. :rolleyes: Any decent player will expect it and be ready to counter it.


    And I always love when people rage about the assault rifle. It just tells me you're angry at being killed that way so often, because you haven't found a way to fight it.


    I really don't have a problem with them putting an MLG playlist in. Seems like 60% of the players I avoid for quitting or Unsporting Conduct are affiliated with MLG. If we could get them all into a seperate playlist, that'd be great.


    Do you not understand that MLG made the population of Halo 2 and Halo 3 explode? Why 343 would want to think they know better than millions of gamers is beyond me but, it is apparent they have no clue on how retention rate works in gaming. The past month is proof of that with ideology that should have been in this game from the start just like in the past successful formula's of Halo (Reach does not count and worse move ever in changes).

  6. if halo was a good game and stuck to its roots and continued the formula that made it popular people wouldnt leave to play another game. all my friends and me included dislike this halo infact i go about 2 games before i wanna get off and we dont play. you can make excuses about other games coming out stealing population all you want but its the game that isnt fun to play that loses people


    That's why the expression "Do not fix what is not broken" is worth it's weight in gold here.

  7. If you were listening, you'd know that it is coming in January. This is the millionth post on the same damn topic.


    Yeah guys it's still coming in January, hold your breath. See why there is a million posts?


    We need to be heard if 343 wants this game to survive another few months.

  8. Ok... Im gonna go ahead and get this off my chest.


    Why not just go and form a Game company yourself and make a better game than halo 4?


    You couldn't.


    It's 343's first fully solo game, and they did a good job with what they had. GIVE THEM A BREAK.


    This is unacceptable rationale... They understood what they were getting themselves into when they picked up on the franchise Bungie instilled. It's not the game engine that is so much the problem that they built, it's the people that setup and developed the matchmaking side and playlists. Those people should be fired just because they do not understand how to manage a game to last longer than a few months just like others. There is a reason Halo 2 and 3 lasted years, think about it.

  9. I don't necessarily care about winning myself either. However I don't treat matchmaking as a way to boost a KD.


    When I am playing matchmaking I am normally using it to test my skills on a 1v1 basis. For example on Regicide, I never go for the king. I typically stalk the edges of Haven lookIng for stragglers to engage so I can test tactics, strategies, and playstyles to see what is effective and what is not. I treat matchmaking like practice because the stakes are low. I am sure if there was an actual reason to win I would treat it different but....


    Wait wait... Hold on a sec. You don't care about winning yet you will spend time thinking of strategic tactics. Am I the only one at a lose of how contradictory that sounds? So yes you might not win many Regicides but, are you not trying to get better to win (1v1s) matches in the future?

  10. well this might be true if the online population was able to pass 100k a day its only been 3months since release.... i logged in and saw 40k online total in all playlist thats terrible for a AAA game of this caliber within the year so either 4.3million fans are dumb or they understand halo 4 has a issue.


    That is what you call "the proof is in the pudding". If this update is not significant in area's that need to be addressed immediately then this game will turn into what Reach was. Ranking and social playlists need to be installed, playlist updates also need repairing (No BTB objective??? Wtf are you thinking 343??).


    Hearing all this backlash or "complaining" as others that are happy with the direction Halo is going to call it, is because the Halo players of the past want Halo to succeed. We want the nostalgia feeling and call about the franchise. If things don't get fixed then you won't see complaining and just a huge drop off of interest to the game. It will then just be an average run of the mill cash cow as other series.

  11. Like what multiplayer? Unless the entire game is multiplayer (counter strike, Battlefield) then it should not be what carries the game.


    It is not hard to see that 343 wants to make the game more about the story seeing as they have w web series, books, and Spartan Ops to compliment the campaign.


    If it were up to me I would just give it Halo 2 multiplayer. That way so little work would actually go into the matchmaking more attention could be put into the story.


    Yes the multiplayer aspect is what I was referring to.

  12. OMG im getting tired of people saying Halo has gone away from the Glory days...thats completely wrong, anyone who play's the same Halo as i know's what i mean...


    Halo 1 was great but it was new...Halo 2 was ALOT better and Halo 3 Was Excellent.... so since 343 is a NEW COMPANY..... Halo 4 is great, Halo 5 is ALOT better and Halo 6 Is exceptional.......


    See, that's a huge problem for a new IP. First impressions mean a lot and people are not happy about things currently. I am not saying it's easy to fill those shoes of the most popular FPS on xbox live for years, but they lost sight in things that made Halo last so long.

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  13. You can tell these developers tried to cash cow Halo, while they had the chance to make it amazing and fix the few problems of Halo 2 and 3. The truth hurts and I know there are people that like it but their are a lot of people that never played Halo 2 competitively either. My point being that you were not around for those insanely competitive games where pulling off a clutch win actually made you happy.


    I am not trying to beat a dead horse but, how this game could not ship with a ranking system and proper playlist is unacceptable and completely negligence on 343's part. This is what drives competition and will keep the game around. Why would you not want to see the game you made stay around for longer than 10 months... CoD it doesn't matter it makes rehashes of the same game year after year. It doesn't need a ranking system.

  14. Also, why does every Halo fan have to go out of their way to insult Call of Duty all the time? It makes you look extremely biased and kinda uncool, and really no better than CoD fanboys who hate on Halo for no reason.


    Ok, I'll bite. Have you even played Halo CE, Halo 2 or Halo 3? No, I am asking you a legitimate question because your response of why does every Halo fan have to insult CoD makes you sound very ignorant to the fact that you have never played the previous franchise installments. If I want to play Call of Duty then I will take the disc out and put it in my xbox. When I want to play Halo then I am not looking to play Call of Duty, let me elaborate.


    If you play Halo 2 or Halo 3, did it remind you of Call of Duty? Why of course not. Winning and losing actually means something in "Halo" (or so I thought it would for future installments) and strategy plus map control for weapons was a must to win. Everyone started off on an equal footing which means it was a very competitive game. Fast forward to Halo 4, experience based progression system where if you win or lose don't matter I still get my XP. Customizable loadout spawns with tactical features, ordinance drops and sprints etc. My point is all this so called "innovation" was based off of fear that if they did not try something new they would lose their fan base which was completely untrue. The original Halo trilogy had a cult following and represented the best multiplayer FPS on xbox live. You do not fix something that is not broken.


    I've played Halo ever since CE and did clan battles in Halo 2 all the way to MLG with Halo 3. Halo Reach was a complete fail and just like a head coach that needs firing from an NFL team, it was time for Bungie to take their leave after that so called mess. The true Halo players understand what I am talking about and it's not looking forward to Halo 5 currently. These developers lost all sight into what made Halo the best FPS.

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