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Posts posted by Irieee

  1. Im not here to sling mud or anything. I've been a hardcore halo fan since halo CE (non anniversary edition). However 343 industries. In the litany of problems with the MCC. Game freezes has been at the top of my list.  My friend and i were planning on running Co-op for Halo CE anniversary till this sunday when we would do halo 2 all day.  We have only been able to finish the first mission. everything else we try the game will randomly freeze us both and we have to quit out of halo completely. We lose everything. The lag is bad and we both have more than enough bandwith to host. Whoever is not hosting has about a second of delay and we get the message for connection lost more than a few times.



    343 industries. I know you are working hard and im gonna say this once. This is a 60 dollar game that was a repackage really. So with the anniversary of halo 2 with new cinematics its totally worth 60 bucks.  But the undertaking of putting multi-platform games on one system with all the bells and whistles plus all the multi-players included. It may or may not be a massive undertaking, but im more than sure that it is one NO ONE could get perfect out of the gate. So i expected this, and im not really all that sore about it. I feel for your issues and am very glad to see the round the clock work on it. Most games that are launched and the only thing on the disc is a game that has this many bugs have no excuse. But this complation to me has and should have a bit of lattitude due to the scope of what was released.



    so Im posting this just so you know as of last night eastern standard time, this issue is still an issue for me and my friend. Im just making sure to put in the bug report incase more info is needed.



    thanks for all the hard work



    TheSteelKnight. :) and all hail the Master Chief ":)



    I really enjoyed your heart warming post, but unfortunately this is just a fan site and no developers with 343 would actually see it. You might have better luck posting this in the forum that I listed below since they are actively checking posts for the problems we are experiencing there. I am very disappointed in the networking, UI, and functionality facets that they used to integrate for these old gems. I wish them luck, but as you know with any job, it is a results oriented business and hopefully they learn from their mistakes.



  2. All of this complaining..... What is it doing?? Is it benefiting halo in any way?? Not really


    I don't understand what some people plan to accomplish when comparing halo 4 to older halo games. if the other games are so much more superior, then why not just go and play them. Coming to forums and expressing your opinions out of cold blood does nothing for the community. If you have a suggestion for making the game better, then at least give some logical reasoning if you want to share something. Give 343 constructive criticism, but give them some freedom to make their game unique.


    Pointing at the toy you want in the store window and saying "I want it" is not going to get you it. You have to work for it and show that you can take care of it first. You can start by recognizing that 343 holds the future of halo in it's hands, so it would be best to respect them for who they are. They want to modernize halo and make it unique, not just a copy of what bungie already accomplished. things will change, and there is no stopping that. if you have feedback, please share it respectfully so someone can benefit from it in the end


    Ok, I really do appreciate how sincere you are to Halo 4, but I think you missed the point everyone was saying. The complaining you are hearing is because we actually give a **** about this series and are disgraced. If we didn't care then we would not be on a message forum discussing it. Some of these issues were WARNED by us true Halo players that it will fail if implemented. You can't just take a series that has it's own player based fans and turn it into other types of games because they are successful. That is flawed logic in regards to competing with other game developers, it's a cop out. I can only imagine the war room meetings and CoD's numbers spewed all over the whiteboard. If you can't see this game was a slap in the face to real Halo fans that have stuck by this game since CE then you are blind.


    This game got released in beta matchmaking phase, so bear bones it was a disgrace! I think it is crazy, all they had to do was listen to the fans... Doesn't seem that hard does it?

    • Like 1
  3. I "heard" the pop. peaked the other day at 42,000. If anyone can confirm that it would be great. But either way that is a low peak. Halo just isn't the game it was in 2007 anymore. I believe 343 at least sees this and is trying everything to get it back to life like a surgeon trying to stop his patient from flatlining. The weekly playlist updates and map pack releases and updates are testament to this. If that doesn't scream desperation, I don't know what does. To tell you the truth, I think that if 343 had done everything right it still would not have made much more of a difference. Look at the team throwdown playlist. Granted, it has its flaws but that was supposed to be "THE premier playlist to get your 50 in". I don't ever see that playlist get too far past 4K. This game was a flop, plain and simple. The only thing it managed to do like I said was make money and pray on the misguided hopes of the franchise's dedicated fanbase with the thought, "maybe the next one will be better". That is dissapointing, to say the least, that this sentiment is all most people really have.


    And here is another thought. It is cold outside in a lot of places cuz of winter, so a lot of people are staying inside and playing video games. People are inside and the population is still this low? Wait until summer rolls around and people can do other things and more games people are anticipating get released. You will notice a difference. You'll probably notice a lot more kids online cuz of school being out.


    I agree with your statements. Halo Reach and Halo 4 have both been flops, it's a testament of the direction Microsoft and big executives have set in motion for what they believe is maximum profits. Bungie understood what makes a game epic and proved this with Halo CE, Halo 2 and Halo 3. As soon as the big wigs wanted to switch business models and not let Bungie have full control over their game.... Halo Reach was born. It was not Bungie's shining moment but, I have tons of respect of pulling their contract with Microsoft and giving them the franchise so that they can then again make a game that will be made for gamer's.


    I am putting my money on Bungie > 343i

  4. 10k is comical. 2007-2008 you had like 5 mil XBox 360s sold. If even that. Now you have 30. So yeah 10k is a huuuuuge success indeed.


    ^^^ This


    Halo series has never and I mean never reached this low of a population under a 6 month period. Wake up 343i....


    I am in full support of Bungie with Destiny and will be supporting them over 343 from this point onward. You can have Halo...

  5. Hilarious post is hilarious. Yes, clearly 3x copies to be sold with a ranking system. Cause CoD obviously fell flat without a ranking system to prop it up as a viable competitive shooter.


    Well with CoD's business model of re-hashing every year, there is no need for a ranking system. It apparently works for them, but does not mean it will work with other FPS models.


    Halo is Halo for a reason (or once was) and unless they are adopting that business strategy of yearly releases then there is no way a developer would not want to extend longevity on their game. That's why it seems very fishy and they could be planning on doing yearly re-hashes aka cash grabs.


    Bungie's Destiny is looking amazing every second new information comes out. I trust them in understanding what FPS gamer's want and if anyone has the innovation to break in a new genre it is them. Especially since they won't have MS or other big corporate executives breathing down their neck to complete as quick as possible and to develop it THEIR WAY (think Halo Reach). When Bungie acts on their own premise you see a true development team that cares about their fans and listens!

  6. I agree completely and have been saying something similar for awhile on multiple sites. That's why Frank's apology didn't impress me at all, because he was apologizing for a bunch of stuff that hadn't bothered me. Who cares if you have some kinks as a new developer? My problems aren't the kinks, they're the decisions you made and carried out flawlessly. I'm not bothered by the failure to achieve certain goals, I'm bothered by the twisted goals you set for yourself and your success in achieving them.


    I agree and sad thing is they actually made a pretty decent game engine which I am impressed with. The team that was working on the playlists and matchmaking preferences failed hard though with the "new" formula.

  7. But Halo has more players than ever...

    Calm down, enjoy the game or play another game.


    More players than ever? Are you really comparing this statement to their current multiplayer population? If you are than you must have never been around for the population of players on Halo 2 and Halo 3....

  8. I think Halo 4 is a bigger indication of why most gamers are sickening individuals.


    Halo 4 caters to all the least impressive aspects of a gamer. The desire to be praised and rewarded without achieving anything (medals for everything), the desire to achieve certain benchmarks without committing the time and practice once required for them (5-shotting is easier than 4-shotting ever was), the desire to be thanked for your time and nothing else (Primary source of experience is completing games, not winning them), the desire to take only the games you want and never commit to the ones that might test you (You're free to quit without consequence), the desire to act without thinking (CoD style gameplay), to move without looking (CoD style maps), and then to be rewarded even though you were careless (CoD style gampelay again).


    I don't call 343 a lot of names, but I do think they did a poor job with this game and that whoever was making the calls was a poor choice for their position. I think you lose a lot of credibility when you blatantly copy another franchise and then pretend you're doing something different. If you copy another product you don't sell it for the same price, you sell it for cheaper. I also think you copy other products when your own isn't profitable, you don't mutilate your profitable product to grab at the sales numbers of someone else's profitable product. For that you make a NEW product with the intent of grabbing the enemy's sales numbers, you keep your original free of the effort so that you have a stable title.


    The mountain of stupid decisions that had to take place for this mockery of a Halo game to exist is incredible. There must have been someone stupid at 343, or someone stupid at Microsoft applying pressure to 343, or both. It's bad business, and sadly bad business is becoming most business.


    It may disgust you that so much toxicity gets directed at 343, but the more I've learned about the game the more often my thoughts on the matter became toxic as a matter of fact. Eventually I can't think of any word but "stupid" to describe whatever idiot places an extremely powerful vehicle on one side of 2-team map. The gentle words don't come to me when I need to describe someone who twists the development of their product to copy another one. I don't even care about the ranking system, but the kinder words don't show themselves to me when I see that said ranking system won't appear but 6 months after the game's release. I really really don't care about a a ranking system, but it's a heavily promoted feature of the game and they won't make it available until 6 months into the game's life. That's STUPID! You don't promote something like that and then keep it back that long. It's not smart.


    What other way is there to describe such blatant mismanagment of the game's development? Someone over there is really really DUMB. I try to speak softly, but in the face of so much evidence I just can't find the nice words. I look, and I try to be constructive, but eventually what's required is a lot of people yelling in anger. If a lot of people speaking constructively on the matter doesn't work, you need a mob. If the mob doesn't work, then I can once again only think of unkind things to describe whoever makes the decisions.


    I can also refrain from playing the game and from buying further installments, a resolution I'm quickly approaching. I'm just 1 of many million though, so I know that no one will notice or care when I'm gone. I'd rather try to make it better before I leave, that way I won't have to give up on it. I know the odds are bad, but the odds are worse of enjoying Halo 4, so I feel comfortable stating my displeasure in public forums.


    I agree completely. It doesn't make any sense why 343i would choose this direction and formula unless... They actually DO NOT want the longevity of this game like Halo 2 and Halo 3 had. If they are going this route they are looking to CoD's formula of every other year releases. This would be heartbreak for true Halo fans of the franchise.

  9. Really? I failed to see any halo title past 1, have the downtime it had. Hell I would take halo 1's horrible (no network model) MM over halo 4's Azure's Short Bus service anyday. And let's not forget that Halo 4 has had more title updates and patches than any other Halo title. It was rushed, sloppy and filled with filler to get our hopes up. Any game that releases and has the developers saying stuff like "We will incorporate that down the line", shows the developer was rushed, or rushed it themselves. Either way, it's bad business.


    Secondly, how is Halo 4 being 3rd ok? Did you fail to see that 4 different CoD titles are still in the top 20, yet only 2 Halo titles are? Correct me if I'm wrong, but that a 4 -2 loss for Halo. To make matters worse, 3 of those games are over a year old. And 3 of them beat Halo Reach. And I see everyones cry about favorite (Halo 3) isn't even on there. Halo 4 in the eyes of many gamers is a failure. Sales numbers and population do not outweigh how people feel and the voice they have put out there. People hate it, but still try to play it because it's Halo. I hate it, but I still play it because I like the idea of Spartan Ops. but my presence in the population doesn't mean it's a good game simply because I am there.


    All that aside, I find it laughable that anyone can defend a game that has more patches than a ship full of pirates! It obvious that either 343i bit off more than they could chew, or Microsoft decided to push them to release it on the 360 instead of the next Xbox. Evidence of this can be found in the images and renders we were given beofre gameplay footage was officially released. A lot of the still images we were given are quite obviously and noticably in a much higher resolution and definition than what we actually got in-game. One image still comes to mind....the image of masterchief sitting badass style in the warthog with a glow along side him. The image just bursts out, and is alive with fine detail. yet in-game, that same detail in non-existent. I claim that microsoft changed the date, similar to what they did with bungie back with Halo 1. I think 343i was forced to rewrite the engine and downsample all their assets just to make it work for the 360, and the end result was the turd we got.


    Very good post and I agree completely, do you know if 343i's PR department and developers look on this forum to see what we are discussing?

  10. Will you guys give it a break? There's three factors that can simply answer why Halo 4 is not played as much as the other tittles, which are the following:


    1) Preferences. People rather play other stuff nowadays, mostly Call of Duty if you ask me.

    2) New management, new trilogy. C'mon, 343 are not magicians.

    3) Lack of acceptance and/or open-mindedness.


    Instead of being all sorry for not having the game the way y'all imagined it, just simply accept it the way it is, and hope the next one will improve. That, or just don't play it.


    That is the whole point we are making... people are not playing it and if I was in the development department this is an issue.

  11. The current population of Halo 4 compared to it's predecessors is completely and utterly laughable. Halo used to be in the top 2 of games most played on XBL. It's sad to see those low numbers compared to what it was in Reach and Halo 3. During Halo 3 I had over half the people on my friends list playing it and now it's just me and a few others. Unless 343i does something drastic to fix their mistakes and add the content that should have been there on release day.


    ^^^ This...


    It seems like complacency has set it in for a lot of developers...

  12. The video game population just didn't decide to throw their PS3's and 360's out the window.

    Obviously they are playing something else. These people bought Halo 4 and said one of 3 things:


    1. Oh, I see what they did to Halo. They turned it into CoD. Well If I am going to play CoD I might as well do it right. *puts in CoD:BO 2*


    2. Oh, there are no visible true skill system or MLG playlist? Maybe next time Halo...


    3. Man I really love Halo, I hope this is as awesome as three was... Wait, why are there instant spawns? What? Where did that guy pull that Saw from, his ***? What is with this pocket shotgun and why is everyone running around with them? This is nothing like Halo. *waits for next Halo*


    There are probably a few scenarios I missed, but you get the big picture. These millions of people that bought the game obviously they planned to play it. They just got bamboozled when they realized the game they were playing was pretty terrible in comparison they could be playing.


    It's funny how the true fans of Halo and all the support we have given it over the years tend to get burned in the end...

  13. Its been a couple months since its been out and the population seems to be settled into he bottom of the graph. This is not due to people having jobs its due to people playing something else.


    ^^^ This...


    Why are people making excuses so much for 343's obvious flaws.

  14. So no ranking system, as far as I can tell the DMR is unchanged (anyone able to verify this or has BR been touched?), only crimson DLC replaced by forge, still no team snipes or doubles (I was sure they mentioned doubles!!) and only 2 specializations available to those who did not have them...


    Yup definitley the game changer we had been hoping for lol. Maybe 343 should actually finish something before they start harping on about releasing it.


    Yep, I feel like we are being strung along... Can they not see the population decreasing by the week??




    • Like 1
  15. There was a time were no one complained on what a was given in their plates LOL


    Yep that was a time when successful formula's actually worked and developers "understood" what their community base wanted in their game. Unfortunately from all the cash grabs and poor PR knowledge this is what companies are going to get. An earful from concerned fans that care about a franchise. When there is more people playing Halo 3 than Reach currently you know the path you went was not correct....




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