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Composite Armour

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Posts posted by Composite Armour

  1. Loved terrorist hunt, just take cover at your spawn and take pot shots at the enemy.

    Multiplayer was fun too, but the controls were a bit clunky for my taste.








    Me and p34nut, we were "special" forces alright.

  2. *Chairman Ledgend of the great city, Russia, stands up and begins to address the assembly*


    "Comrades, I can tell you from experience that Berlin would benefit most from developing and sustaining wind power. Let us look at the facts. Berlin is rich in fossil fuels and easy access to offshore drilling. While this may be a boon to Berlin itself, one must look towards the future to see great opportunity for the people of Berlin. Fossil fuels will run out. Prices will rise and as they do, Berlin's economy will benefit greatly from exporting her ever more valuable natural bounty while falling on developed renewable wind and tidal power. With this acquired wealth, Berlin will surely make advances in such technology, which will benefit us all in the future. Environmentally and Economically. "


    *Ledgend gazes around slowly, reinforcing his point with a glare, almost looking like he is staring into the future itself*


    "Eclipse? They would be better expanding on their wondrous solar technology, making good use of their natural features while reducing the costly investment needed to build both a solar and wind powered infrastructure."


    *Ledgend sits down quietly and folds his arms*

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  3. I didn't like that creepy pasta, it didn't really try anything scary and was far too short for any sort of buildup.

    The age old "OMG GORE SO SCARE" doesn't really do anything and actually devalues it, it's a cheap way to try and get a scare out of some people. Rarely works.

    Then it leaves all these questions and doesn't answer anything at all, which instead of ending in a "did that really happen?" like a good creepy pasta should, it ends with more of a "What the hell?".

  4. I'll be giving this a shot. Character should be up by tonight(I was very tempted to make an Intelligent Deathclaw actually, but nah)


    Although I've two small concerns:

    1. Isn't all of the US, Mexico and Canada too big of a scope for the RP? Or will be having large time jumps between posts to account for the scale?

    2. Although S.P.E.C.I.A.L. can be used to give an idea of a character's physical traits, I don't think putting a number on skills will work for the RP. It's usually easier to just say things like "Character X is a great shot and can handle weapons like a professional" as opposed to "Character X guns skill is 75".

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  5. I find betrayal tends to add to the game. It usually forces people to get at least some ability to aim and punishes them for failing to do so.


    Removing it altogether is a lazy way to go about it. There's nothing wrong with the actual betrayal of teammates, but Halo has always failed to have an effective solution for punishing them. Escalate the punishments, make a distinction between intentional and accidental betrayal and have annoying feedback on the HUD when you shoot an ally and that should decrease the stupid TKing for power weapons.

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