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Posts posted by NezQu1ck

  1. My opinion:


    1) Some of the best strategies in war/combat have, and always will, require patience and a good sense of timing, and the Bullet Spread in Reach replicates this rather well.


    2) Faster gameplay doesn't necessitate low Bullet Spread. What does? Gunning solo.

    In Rumble Pit, the spread is a bit much.

    In Teams, if you aren't with a partner you should find one.


    3) Halo: Reach has been called by many people who hate its Bloom/Bullet Spead a "stand alone title", not to be associated with the other Halo games.

    So I feel that it's wrong to say "There was no Bloom in the other Halos" or "Bullet Spread wasn't as bad in the other Halos" because, apparently, Reach isn't Halo.


    4) These topics on Bloom/Bullet Spread (not to mention AA's) need to come to an end. Halo 4 will be out before we know it, and 343i will have learned from Reach.

    If anyone complains about anything in Halo 4, I swear to God I'm gonna flip balls and pwn every single one of them in as many ways possible.


    And that's the bottom line, 'cause Father Bullet said so.[/i]


    Halo has never been about realism, god damn your a huge super soldier jumping around shooting other huge space marines. Also the DMR is in no way a realistic weapon, First 2 shots are fine, but the 3rd 4th and all others after go full retard and miss your target every time.


    You cant say Halo Reach is a standalone game because it plays exactly like the other halos.


    The whole part of halo that drew me and many others in was the fast paced game play, and the unique quakish gameplay. Halo Reach tryed to make it tactical, and i hated it because it ended up a dumbed down version of halo 3, which was a dumbed down version of halo 2

  2. What exactly do you mean having your bullets "blooming"? Do you mean spreading? That's what they're doing. Bullet spread is something that needs to be in an FPS. If it isn't, all you have to do is hold down the trigger, or keep pressing it as fast as you can. That means you don't have to worry about being accurate. It gives people the ability to just point and shoot, without having to worry about any sort of accuracy. If you don't like your bullets spreading (which is what I'm assuming you meant), deal with it. It's in nearly every single FPS, including every Halo game (excluding Halo Wars). The bloom feature of Reach has absolutely no effect on the spread of your shots. That is bullet spread. How is he being a retard? Using that as an insult without providing any real reasons makes YOU look like the retard, sir. You pulled out a random number there, by the way. You've got no way to tell that 90% of the Reach community does not like bloom, so don't pretend that you do.


    Have you even played Halo 2 or 3 you dumb *****? you obviously havent. They had so little bloom that it didnt even affect the game. Also if you would have read what I said instead of being a stupid girl, you would have seen that i wrote that there needs to be a balance, Bullets should spread with the DMR, but not nearly as much as they do in reach.


    Honestly people like you ruin forums, all these no life losers are going to stick up for you just so they can say that they are friends with a female on the internet.


    That guy is most certainly 12 years old because he ranted on about **** that no one was really talking about, and you guys are too dumb saying "durrr what do you mean by bloom hurrr all halos had it hurrr" to even read what I said, and that I agree with what you said on about things.


    At least 343 agrees with me, and they will make Halo reach fun and playable.


    Oh one last thing, just because your bullets go straight, doesnt mean you dont have to aim. Halo 2 and 3 had no bloom on br, and you had to be a really good shot to get 4 shot kills every time.


    A Player should only have to worry about his own inconsistencies, Not about the horrible inconsistencies of his weapon. Not to mention it slows the game down from slow to retarded casual mode slow


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  3. One thing, the bloom on automatic weapons is totally good, and done fine, its just the DMR's spread that is full retard. Also Twinreaper Im fairly sure by the way you went off on random topics about weapon tags and fake UI directory's, Im guessing you are only a little kid, trying to look like you know what you are talking about. I suggest you promptly stop posting, before you make yourself look even dumber friend

  4. Neither one of you have the slightest idea what you are talking about. Every single Halo game has a bloom effect. Said bloom effect has only once been seen on the HUD, with certain Halo 3 weapons. Reach is the first title for Halo that has bloom displayed on the HUD reticules. This feature is only a visual, and is not related to the actual mechanics of the weapons firing accuracy. For example, if you were to go into the following directory of the game tags.... UI\HUD\NewHUD\DMR\ and took out any referrence to the bloom bitmaps and shaders, the weapon would still function the exact same way it does with the bloom visuals. For the last ******* time... YOU CAN ONLY CHANGE THE AMOUNT OF FIRING SPREAD ON A WEAPON THROUGH THE WEAPON TAGS!!!!


    And how the hell do you recon they did a horrible job? Oh I'm sorry you don't like the amount of randomness and area your shots are confined too..cry about it some more. Or how about better yet! Since everyone here always seems to think they know best about what particular game mechanic or feature should be improved, how about this then kids.


    STOP CRYING AND POST SOME COMPONENT BASED VALUES AND ASSETS TO PROVE YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES TO OPEN YOUR MOUTHS IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!! I swear to god if I see one more thread about how something is bad, and something like, just fix it as a response to why it's bad.....


    For once, someone go into great detail and explain how you would adjust the parameters and what fields you would adjust or switch string referrences to to achieve said correction. Oh wait, thats right. Everyone here doesn't know how to load a map file into a readable table of tags and have a window form display a meta data table of those tags values.


    My future advise to you guys about this kind of stuff. STAY OUT OF MY SIGHT! I WILL RIP YOU ALL TO SHREADS ON BEHALF OF BUNGIE AND 343 WITH MY OBVIOUS SUPERIOR KNOWLEDGE OF THEIR GAME AND ENGINE. Bungie and 343 are great companies and have to date, the most skilled division of game designers and producers on the planet. They will do what they can to correct things that may or may not be broken when they can. Spamming and calling out the same stupid crap over and over again is really getting out of hand. Good thing I am not a moderator, or else over half these threads would have been deleted or merged into 1 due to so many of them always being about the same thing. You can lock this now Spectral, I'm done.


    Oh boy look, a retard. I said that they had bloom, but it was much smaller and you barely noticed it. Halo Reach made the bullet spread so wild and unpredictable no one liked it.


    Also you went complete rage mode up there, no one talked about how to get rid of bloom, anyone with basic knowledge can tell you that the weapon spread is in the weapon tags, although i dont see how that matters at all. When we say we dont like bloom, we dont like our bullets "blooming". Honestly quit being a retard man, bloom is annoying an 90% of people dont like it.


    Oh and stop trying to look like you are smart by referencing the directory's for the UI. UIs are always a singular file

  5. I highly doubt they're adding new weapons. All I've seen them adding is melee bleed-thru and the elimination of DMR bloom. Those two things are also most likely not going to be anything for than classic playlist changes, or options to toggle on and off. Removing the DMR bloom shouldn't affect the actual spread of the weapon (unless they're also adjusting it's spread as well), and melee bleed-thru is going to encourage people to melee more than they already do.


    The video showed the DMR firing as fast as possible and all shots hitting the head with no deviations. Its safe to say that Spread/bloom is gone


    Also you could refer to bloom as the bullets blooming as they leave the gun, not just the crosshair

  6. This. ^

    Bloom (or bullet spread, as you technical kids want to call it) has never been this noticeable before. (note, I said noticeable, meaning it was present in previous Halo games, but the effect was SO minimal that it was almost as if there was none) The population of this game is so low if you compare it to other Halo games.


    Why? Because People like the idea of the only inconsistency in a game to be within themselves. Not with the weapons, themselves. It allows for a LOT more competitive game-play, and that's what the Halo population consisted mostly of in previous years. Of course there's always the people who play for fun, but that's not our concern here. People like consistency. Not inconsistency.



    There should be a balance really, bullets should start to go up slightly as you shoot so you have you aim down a little bit in order to hit the head every shot.


    That would be consistent, and would have to make people think a little bit when shooting. Although having the bullet go completely straight wouldnt be horrible.

  7. Halo has never had that before. It is stupid to add it. "Don't play halo if you don't want new features" No that is making a new game not changing the game. "gun spread" As you believe in did not exist in other halos. Your bullets landed where shot.


    It actually was in Halo 3, but it was so small that you couldnt notice really. I hope they replicate that in Reach

  8. Grow up. Just because someone likes bloom and doesn't see anything wrong with it, doesn't mean they enjoy or play COD. A lot of other shooters use crosshair expansion. It is used to easily show you that your shots are becoming inaccurate the longer or quicker you fire your weapon. A lot of people don't seem to know what bloom is. Bloom is nothing, and I mean nothing but the expanding of the crosshairs. It serves no other purpose than to show you the range in which your bullets are going to hit. Bullet spread causes your shots to be inaccurate, and is the reason they spread apart. Bloom does not cause this. There isn't anything wrong with bloom. Some people just seem to want their crosshairs to remain the same size no matter how long or how quickly they fire. They also probably don't realize that the expanding of the crosshairs has no real effect on the weapons, at all.


    The bloom in halo reach was badly done. CSS did Bloom perfectly. Halos bloom was a random pattern that got huge after 2 shots, making the rest completely random.


    Timing your shots did work, but you had to shoot so slow that it just made the game so boring and dull. Kill times were already pretty big, but after they included a "expanding bullet spread" its gotten way worse.


    I cannot wait for this patch, and I plan on taking Halo Reach seriously again

  9. Honestly bloom ruined halo reach, 343 are smart to remove it. The bloom is done badly, it takes way to long for your reticule to reset, even when it does it opens so fast that the second shot is random, and third is always random, and it makes the game even slower than it was in Halo 3. Why would anyone want to slow down the game more? It doesnt make it more tactical or anything, it made halo reach a random luck based game that got old in a week.


    343's TU will make this game better 10 fold

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