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Everything posted by NezQu1ck

  1. Yeah no thanks kid, ill say what I want and you can **** right off bud
  2. Halo has never been about realism, god damn your a huge super soldier jumping around shooting other huge space marines. Also the DMR is in no way a realistic weapon, First 2 shots are fine, but the 3rd 4th and all others after go full retard and miss your target every time. You cant say Halo Reach is a standalone game because it plays exactly like the other halos. The whole part of halo that drew me and many others in was the fast paced game play, and the unique quakish gameplay. Halo Reach tryed to make it tactical, and i hated it because it ended up a dumbed down version of halo 3, which was a dumbed down version of halo 2
  3. Hahaha oh wow, now I know you are 12 years old
  4. Have you even played Halo 2 or 3 you dumb *****? you obviously havent. They had so little bloom that it didnt even affect the game. Also if you would have read what I said instead of being a stupid girl, you would have seen that i wrote that there needs to be a balance, Bullets should spread with the DMR, but not nearly as much as they do in reach. Honestly people like you ruin forums, all these no life losers are going to stick up for you just so they can say that they are friends with a female on the internet. That guy is most certainly 12 years old because he ranted on about **** that no one was really talking about, and you guys are too dumb saying "durrr what do you mean by bloom hurrr all halos had it hurrr" to even read what I said, and that I agree with what you said on about things. At least 343 agrees with me, and they will make Halo reach fun and playable. Oh one last thing, just because your bullets go straight, doesnt mean you dont have to aim. Halo 2 and 3 had no bloom on br, and you had to be a really good shot to get 4 shot kills every time. A Player should only have to worry about his own inconsistencies, Not about the horrible inconsistencies of his weapon. Not to mention it slows the game down from slow to retarded casual mode slow Staff Response User was warned cause of this post
  5. One thing, the bloom on automatic weapons is totally good, and done fine, its just the DMR's spread that is full retard. Also Twinreaper Im fairly sure by the way you went off on random topics about weapon tags and fake UI directory's, Im guessing you are only a little kid, trying to look like you know what you are talking about. I suggest you promptly stop posting, before you make yourself look even dumber friend
  6. Oh boy look, a retard. I said that they had bloom, but it was much smaller and you barely noticed it. Halo Reach made the bullet spread so wild and unpredictable no one liked it. Also you went complete rage mode up there, no one talked about how to get rid of bloom, anyone with basic knowledge can tell you that the weapon spread is in the weapon tags, although i dont see how that matters at all. When we say we dont like bloom, we dont like our bullets "blooming". Honestly quit being a retard man, bloom is annoying an 90% of people dont like it. Oh and stop trying to look like you are smart by referencing the directory's for the UI. UIs are always a singular file
  7. The DMR is now the best weapon in the game. yay
  8. The video showed the DMR firing as fast as possible and all shots hitting the head with no deviations. Its safe to say that Spread/bloom is gone Also you could refer to bloom as the bullets blooming as they leave the gun, not just the crosshair
  9. There should be a balance really, bullets should start to go up slightly as you shoot so you have you aim down a little bit in order to hit the head every shot. That would be consistent, and would have to make people think a little bit when shooting. Although having the bullet go completely straight wouldnt be horrible.
  10. It actually was in Halo 3, but it was so small that you couldnt notice really. I hope they replicate that in Reach
  11. The bloom in halo reach was badly done. CSS did Bloom perfectly. Halos bloom was a random pattern that got huge after 2 shots, making the rest completely random. Timing your shots did work, but you had to shoot so slow that it just made the game so boring and dull. Kill times were already pretty big, but after they included a "expanding bullet spread" its gotten way worse. I cannot wait for this patch, and I plan on taking Halo Reach seriously again
  12. Honestly bloom ruined halo reach, 343 are smart to remove it. The bloom is done badly, it takes way to long for your reticule to reset, even when it does it opens so fast that the second shot is random, and third is always random, and it makes the game even slower than it was in Halo 3. Why would anyone want to slow down the game more? It doesnt make it more tactical or anything, it made halo reach a random luck based game that got old in a week. 343's TU will make this game better 10 fold
  13. Has anyone done this glitch? Its the hardest glitch in halo history, and i hope it stays the same for CEA. Cant wait to do it again in HD
  14. If all it does it strip the hi res texture off and allows the low res to come through then it probably wont even have a loading time.
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