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Everything posted by NadesNSpades

  1. I'm new to the forms but a veteran player. I'm looking for some decent players to play with on big team swat and infinity slayer but willing to play any game type or customs. Im just starting to get tired of being on the losing team and I'm pulling all the weight because either my teammates quit at the beginning or just giving kills to the other team. I know I sound high strung about this and I really like to just enjoy playing and being laid back but there's a limit to how many times this happens in a row. Some of the clans I visited won't work for me because I mainly play at night and can't stick with strict scheduled practice matches or require me to change my gt. I'll be happy to play matchmaking or 1vs1 to test my skills our just to play. Just reply or message my gt JaysonNJess. Thanks!
  2. Hey everyone just found these forms and thought I'd check them out. I actually came on here to find some people to play competitive team or free for all on infinity or custom games. My gt is JaysonNJess if you want to add me or test me.
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