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Posts posted by Fang

  1. I don't know how valid this is but IMO if there weren't AA's, not even sprint, in Reach the DMR would be so overpowered that people would be complaining again. Reach was different, yes, but pickups from Halo 3 also changed the game, they're all different and play to their own balances. I don't agree with throwing things out solely because it was part of the balancing act of a certain title. Take for example the BR, it's definitely the ancestor of the DMR in the evolution of Halo. For me it will depends on what happens to the big picture of Halo 4.


    Of course they would but thats because the DMR also has many problems and needs tweaked a little or just trashed all together. Pickups from halo 3 barely mattered in the grand scheme of things. AAs seem to be all this game is focused on. Its not halo anymore just a battle of AAs. It shouldnt become the game, only accentuate the gameplay like equipment did with h3.


    As for showboating, I can understand that, they aren't necessary but they show skill/rashness and are fun. And fun is what Halo is about.

    We can all agree that maybe players should be able to switch assassinations on and off, and the duration for holding down the melee button could be longer.


    I think it just takes away from the game but a fair compromise would be the option to turn it on/off

  3. In its own universe its "realistic" the term is subjective when used in this context. I still dont believe we should be pushing all this "realism". Especially in the manner that this poster was using it. You are trying to argue whether or not halo is logical by its laws of physics not whether its realistic. We judge realism by our own perspective.


    Also dont call me "bro" unless you prefer coming off as condescending.

  4. MLG should most definitely be a playlist. MLG has given the halo series a lot over the years. It doesnt matter if you in particular are into competitve gaming, the fact is that a lot of halo fans are fans because MLG. A portion of Halo's popularity is absolutely thanks to MLG and other competitive gaming leagues. Neither casual players nor competitive players should be excluded when it comes to matchmaking so the least they deserve is a playlist.

  5. Absolutely not. Also i dont understand this acceptance of sprint. Its IMO the worst problem with reach and why it feels so foreign compared to other halo games. Individual battles have pretty much vanished with the addition of sprint. Someone gets shot once and off they go sprinting for the nearest corner. If you put yourself in a bad position then i believe that you should have to deal with the consequences, not be saved by an effortless tap of the finger because you made a bad choice.

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