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Posts posted by BLOODxcrazer

  1. @Wolferious didnt you also get upset over RecklessRi1ey's super smash bros a while back? People are gona make maps similar to yours whether intentional or not. It is not like they labeled your map as their own. No need to get pissed about it it wont hurt your infection series in anyway.

  2. Gamertag: BLOODxcrazer

    Gametypes: Team Keep-Away, Keep-Away, 3-Ball Team Keep-Away, City Ball

    Map: Parkour City 2


    Parkour City returns with a new look and a new gametype, City Ball! City Ball is basically Grifball on the rooftops with swords.  Players have unlimited thrusters and the same health settings as the Keep-Away variants.  The ball carrier is killed in one hit and can do no damage.  As for the map it is almost symetrical as you can see in the pictures.  I did this to suit the new gametype, but I didn't want to make it completely symetrical because that can make it boring for the other gametypes.  Like the first Parkour City, I recommend playing Team Keep-Away, but this one is more friendly (spawn wise) towards multi-team than the first.  There are many lower ledges including the scaffolding/elevator things and the balconies.  There are more places to jump to than the first one, so you can get creative in your get-aways.  Staying on top of buildings tends to be the easiest way to stay alive, but the ledges can really come in handy in tight situations and can especially help if you know the map well.  Personally I am not too thrilled about the new gametype and prefer to play keep-away, but it offers a nice alternative.  For City Ball I recommend playing 4v4 like classic grifball, but it does support 16 players, although that would probably be very chaotic and frustrating to score.  Have fun falling off buildings!


    One schmeef died in the forging of this map.


    Update: Multi-team is really fun to play with Team-Keep Away.  We played a 3v3v3 game the other day.  Lots of teamwork.  I definitely recommend trying multi-team with this.















  3. What happens when you get to the bottom? Are there ways to jump back up? Is the gameplay better or worse if you incorporate the bottom?

    You die when u fall off, so the bottom is out of bounds. With that in mind jumping around is more risky and if you are not skilled enough to make the more difficult crouch jumps then you will die a lot.  However, the resapwn time is quick and deaths do not penalize you in anyway.  I have made versions in Reach where the buildings were much shorter and you were allowed to run on the streets.  I may consider doing this in Parkour City 3 if I get around to it. With the shorter buildings it played much differently with an infection gametype. I tried to combine the two in Parkour City 5 in Reach, and it was frustrating falling off tall buildings and having to climb back up.  The second one's done like this one and i'll be posting it soon.  I appreciate the feedback.

  4. No, you can turn off the last man standing marker. Go into Game Options > Traits > Last man standing traits > Appearance and then switch the waypoint settings to none or allies only.

    nope doesnt work. when one human remains the end game music starts to play and theres a large "kill" marker over his head. If you know of any other way to fix this, i have another map that requires it for the gametype.

  5. Gamertag: BLOODxcrazer

    Gametype: Halo Police

    Map: Halo City

    Welcome to Halo City! A massive city on Impact made for a cops and robbers infection variant. Yes, yes I realize this is a modded gametype I came across, but it's nothing too crazy. The cops (3 starting) have shotguns and pistols and full access to warthogs. The robbers have assault rifles and access to a few mongooses right off the bat. Robbers can pick up guns and powerups around the map, such as the plasma pistol, speed boost, sticky det, saw, sniper. Both the robbers and the cops are more damage resistant, but the robbers can still die in one shotgun shot up close. As a robber, there are two ways to play: hop on a mongoose and drive for your life, or hold out with your team in one of the buildings. There are three main buildings: the electronics store, the bank, and a storage warehouse. Remember, your goal is to survive for 5 minutes, so hiding may be a good idea. The cops have no radar, and neither do the robbers. My goal here was to combine the gameplay of a hot pursuit map with a free roam cops and robbers map. I recommend playing with 6-16 players since there are 3 cops and there is no way to turn the last man standing marker off. This has become one of my favorite things to play with large lobbies. People seem to catch on after 1 or 2 rounds and it was fun for both sides.

    P.S. There is one dead schmeef on this map. Death to schmeefs!!!

    P.P.S. You can't even see the roofs of any buildings, so ignore the ugliness of the last overview pic







  6. Gamertag: BLOODxcrazer


    Gametypes: Paintball (Plasma Pistols), Paintball (Suppressors)


    Map: bloodXcrazer's Indoor Paintball


    A pretty generic paintball map on Erosion utilizing the pipes as cover (like Speedball). It uses a KOTH gametype unlike other PB maps I've seen, so I decided to make my own. Theres a dead box above your team's side, so you are be able to shoutout the enemy's positions once you die. Obviously it's single hit elimination, but the suppressors gamtype has hardlight shields inculded to mix things up. The map's pretty small so I would only recommend 2-12 players, but it supports 16. Both gametypes are standardly set at 4, 3 minute rounds. Enjoy.





  7. Gamertag: BLOODxcrazer

    Gametypes: Team Keep-Away, Keep-Away, 3-Ball Team Keep-Away

    Map: Parkour City

    (All on my fileshare)

    Welcome to Parkour City! This is a reimagining of any of the 5 Parkour City maps I made on Reach. Parkour City pits players on rooftops (teams or no teams) with one objective: hold the ball to earn points. Players move slightly faster and jump slightly higher. Everyone has swords, but it will take a few hits to kill a suspecting victim (like the TC_Bounty gametype). I recommend you play this with team keep-away (red and blue only) with 6-16 players. For a more chaotic experience, and with a large lobby, try 3-ball. With Team Keep-Away, you can make some amazing passes and get-aways if your team is coordinated. If not, then I hope you can make some risky jumps under pressure because the entire enemy team will chase you down. The ball carrier will die in one hit of course. Oh yeah I almost forgot: all players are equipped with unlimited thruster packs. It won't do you much good though, because you only move about 3 feet. The thrusters could be use effectively in sword fights and changing direction in midair. The ball carrier has limited thruster usage, and he will travel really fast if he uses it. It is very risky, however. Obviously if fall off you die, but there is no falling damage. There are 2, 7 minute rounds, but of course you can change that or end it if it's a blow-out. If you are on the list for CustomGamesCommunity, then you have probably played this before in one of my lobbies. Don't know what that is? Read my "About Me."

    P.S. One strategy is to throw the ball at an oncoming enemy, then kill him. Careful though, they may catch on fast.

    If you like this or want to see a better version of this (at least i think so), then check out the Parkour City 2 that i posted.





  8. i have the same problem. idk how to fix it but on one of my maps i have 3 ramps that spawn at 2 different areas 1 min after another, and sometimes only 2 of the ramps spawn on time, and the other takes much longer. Ive had problems with teleporters spawning on time too

  9. Post any improvements you feel is needed to custom gametypes or perhaps any new gametypes that no longer exist in Halo 4. For example, my biggest complaint is on Flood mode:

    flood mode should have:

    -the ability to turn the flood player models off

    -the ability to change the weapons of infected players (they dont have to have the flood appearance)

    -the option to change the color of spartans and infected spartans

    -the ability to edit the loadouts and equipment of infected players

    and my most important problem:

    -the option to turn the last man standing waypoint off and the music that plays also (changing the last man standing trait to no waypoint does not work)


    I feel that the custom gametypes need serious improvements and really make it difficult to make the great minigames and custom games like we had in Reach. 343, these changes are possible as you have made the Alpha Zombies gametype in Halo: Reach and even the complicated Insane gametype that brought Halo Chess and Hockey. Please consider the opinions of your players on these matters. Halo 4's forge is limited by these flaws.


    Please post your opinions and suggestions on gametype customization to show your support.


    1-Flag and Assualt also need to make a come back.

  10. We need more customization of the flood gaetype in customs, like:

    -ability to turn flood player models off

    -changing the weapons of the flood/infected players

    -changing loadouts and equipment of flood players

    -the ability to turn the last man standing waypoint off (even if u set the last man standing trait to no waypoint it still appears and the end of round music plays)

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