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Posts posted by BLOODxcrazer

  1. I have 2 new maps to be posted here, but one of them (Siege: The Castle) needs 12-16 players to be tested. Please add the gamertag (CustomGamesCom or CustomGamesCom2 if its full) if you want to be invited to a lobby at some point. Im gona clear inactive players from the first gamertag so there should be room on there. 


    We also need more hosts, so if you play frequently and have a lot of good maps saved, message me or whatever gamertag you are on if you are interested. You just have to be fair and reasonable about kicking people, ending games, etc. I'll answer any questions on xbox.


    Also if you dont wana make it official just invite other pple from the list if you want to test a map of yours. Sorry if this sounds like advertising but we could use a lot more people willing to play customs; this kind of died down since Halo 4 came out so it would be nice to make a come back.

  2. Update: the links have been added since the send to xbox option makes them useful. check out my other unposted stuff if you want too. I recommend Rodeo or Trenches. The Gauntlet Returns requires fixes. Im working on a new minigame based off another one i made in Reach, Infiltration, but since the flood gametype wont allow it im changing it up a bit. If it's good it will be posted in a week or so.

  3. pretty nice looking map. I think i know what your trait zone problem is. If you want the trait zone to effect the flood then set the team of the trait zone to "attacker." I had that problem on a few maps as i didnt realize they can be team specific. If thats not what you meant by trait zones failing then i guess u had the trait zones reset themselves to standard shields and damages etc. Im not entirely sure what causes that.

    • Like 1
  4. I'll probably upload pics later but for now i just wana get the idea out there. As you know there are green screens in the new forge island. I noticed that if you make a box out of them, there is no way to see the corners of the box, so the room appears to have no end. The best part is you can set the fx to colorblind and it will be a blank white room. The first thing I did with the forge islands was make a white room with floating blocks and made a hidden gap to escape from, but until you were high enough there was no way to even realize it was there. I dont have any maps that use this yet, and if i did it would probably be a minigame. I just wanted to share this idea and see what people come up with.


    Update: heres an example of a plain box with the colorblind effect on






    Example: You can make a pit in the floor out of screens in a closed room, and there is no way to tell that it is there! You fall into nothing. I may upload an example map, but not on my fileshare, cause im just about out of space. I will let you where to get it if I do.


    Bonus tips!


    The backs of sniper nests have interesting red pipes.


    If you build right on top of the water theres a neat fog on the floor.


    There are many small bushes on moss covered rocks on the lower halves of the islands.


    You can tele yourself inside the islands.


    The top or bottom of a rock will never have moss no matter which way you angle it. The steeper the side of a rock the more moss there will be, although sometimes it just depends on whch way you turn it.


    On the insides of islands, if you get close to the giant dark cliffs, you too become completely black.

    • Like 4
  5. Map: Halo City 2
    Gametype: Halo Police
    Gamertag: BLOODxcrazer


    Here's a link to my fileshare for the gametype (ignore the strange author's gamertag): http://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/players/bloodxcrazer/halo4/fileshare#!/?section=GameSettings&SearchDate=7&SortBy=2&view-select=Tile&startIndex=0&details=c8befbfa-4d7f-4846-b0cf-e3b647257fa8


    and here's the map: http://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/players/bloodxcrazer/halo4/fileshare#!/?section=GameMap&SearchDate=7&SortBy=2&view-select=Tile&startIndex=0&details=34c49644-d9bd-48a4-a20f-67a867453540


    Welcome back to Halo City! If you havent seen the first Halo City, I will explain what it is. This is a minigame that takes a spin on hot pursuit maps, cops and robbers, and free roam infection. It is a modded gametype i found that makes the flood have normal player models, shotties, and pistols. The "police" have full access to warthogs and have to KOS all robbers. Health is increased for both teams, but a shotgun can easily kill you and the police can beat you down fast. I did this so that a warthog can not kill a mongoose driver that quickily. As a robber, your goal is to survive the 5 min round, so you can do this in 3 main ways: drive for your life, hold out in a building, or hide like the coward you are! There is no radar for neither team, so hiding is a good option, but it is terrifying with the growing number of popo. Robbers have easy acces to mongeese. There are weapons and power-ups scattered around the map for the robbers to pick up, but your best weapon will probably be the shotgun that you scavange from a dead cop. Once you die as a robber, you become a cop, so as the round progresses it feels that the last few robbers left are becoming most wanted. Players have survived by hiding, holding out as a team, and even just driving solo; the gameplay has a high replay value and im often requested to start another game up. Keep in mind the last man standing will have a marker above his head (there is no way to turn it off). I really pushed the dynamic lighting and the budget on this one to add a lot more detail. I have not noticed any framerate issues. Play this with 6-16 players, 5 at least if u set it to 2 starting cops.

    P.S. One schmeef had a cap "busted in his ***."

    You can not see the roofs of buildings; this picture is ugly. Also that text looks blurry.

    Robber start


    I threw a little jump in there

    Electronics Store. Use crates to barricade yourself in.

    There is a vent leading to the bank.


    Yes you can go in the vault.

    Construction site


    Police Spawn. Cops can now get warthogs if they forgot to get one before going through the one way shield.

    And that's pretty much it! Sorry if i posted too many pics, and sorry about the quality. This gametype still remains as my favorite.


    Add CustomGamesCom2 to your friends to be invited when I host games.

  6. Update: Im gona work on a Halo City 2 after i finish working out the kinks of my other minigame map, which will be posted on these forums as well


    Update update: Halo City 2 is in the making and will be posted at the same time as The Gauntlet Returns


    Update update update: Check out Halo City 2! This one is still great to play on, although I personally like Halo City 2 more.

  7. There is no way to turn off the last man standing marker in flood in customs.  There is an option to set the last man standing trait to no waypoint but it doesnt work.  The annoying end game music will always play and there is an immovable "kill" marker above the last players head.  I'm pissed about the lack of customization in Halo 4's flood like everyone else but this is not asking for more features; I just want 343 to fix this little but annoying problem.  I have a minigame map that relies on this and I am still very disappointed to see that they didnt fix it in the latest update.  Does this bother anyone else?

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