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Daniel Vieck

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Everything posted by Daniel Vieck

  1. The BR should be 4-shot and here is why: The DMR and the BR are 5-shot kills and yet they claim that the BR is better for close range and the DMR is better at long range, but the DMR is actually better at close and long range because it has a faster firing rate. There are some people who claim that how it is balanced because it is easier to use the BR at close range which is somewhat true. The only problem with this is that the DMR is gonna win against the BR every time even if both players never miss. The BR should be a 4-shot to balance this up close (being that the 3 bullet from the 4th shot kills the opponent if they hit them in the head). Without the BR being a 4-shot kill, there is no reason to use the BR unless you suck at aiming because you will always do better with the DMR if you can actually hit your target. And with the recoil of the BR it is terrible at long range and would already be somewhat tough to get the 4-shot kill even at close range so it would not be OP by any means, it would just have a reason.
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