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Posts posted by MICKHEAD

  1. I think that instead of the Boltshot being a OHK. It should instead damage shields and push the player you shoot away from you. They then could also make it so that you can jump and shoot it at the floor beneth you with the right timing for a higher jump. This would let it keep a niche whilst at the same time balace things out.


    What I think people are failing to realise here is that when two people are using the Boltshot in a 1v1 scenario the game becomes less competitive and luck-based.

  2. The boltshot has a range equal to that of a shotgun or scattershot. The only time someone can get a kill past that distance is if it was aimed perfectly AND the enemy has a low shield. The boltshot can be counteracted by a good thruster pack or jet pack user. You can get them at the last second with a plasma grenade in dire situations. It takes 3 seconds worth of straight headshots with the dmr to get a kill which is the same amount of time it takes to charge the boltshot. The boltshot is destroyed by both shotguns. The boltshot is only effective at short range. Mid-short range fire only takes out 1/3 of someones shields. the person will get killed in the process of charging the boltshot. also, it takes skill to dodge the boltshot and kill the user which apparently you cant do.

    This can possibly be fixed by reducing its range to 3/4 of what it is or making the charge time to 4 seconds.


    The Boltshot has a OHK range than both shotguns. Also, continue to play against bad players who miss all the time with the Boltshot. Because obviously you aren't good enough to be paired up with people who know how to use the Boltshot well, otherwise you'd see where I am coming from.

  3. I digress; I'm doing the #1 thing that trolls want them to do. Feed them. You pose questions that 1. are inclined towards your personal opinions, and 2. will never result in anything positive, nor constructive. Enjoy your tasty +1 internet, troll, you deserve it.


    tl;dr - The Boltshot is fine and 343i isn't going to fix it because only a microscopic percentage of their actual fan base is complaining about it.


    Since when where questions NOT inclined towords personal opinions? Your logic is baffling. You are acting like its my fault that you can't post anything positive or constructive in relation to what I am saying. You act like the "actual" fanbase has no gripes with the game and thinks it is perfect. Here is something for you, no game is ever pefect. I am sorry for complaining about flaws in the game. Why would I want my favorite game series to improve afterall? I must be a "troll".

  4. Who said I was closing? You're fighting a losing battle which seems irrevocably more childish than anything.


    Also, better players seem to be able to counter petty problems, ergo, the Boltshot. Once again, adapt or die.


    I meant that as in it was tacked onto the end of your post, and for no other reason than to patronise me and feed your ego. And you seem to acknowledge that the Boltshot is a problem at least. The people who keep saying "Adapt" are the same people who liked AR starts in Halo 3. So I'll tell you one more time, I HAVE adapted, and I do very well. Although when two good players from opposing teams engage in CQC they will both be charging thier boltshots (because the Boltshot is the best starting weapon for CQC). This leads to people trading kills over and over, its not neccessary, and there isn't much room for skill gap since only one shot is required and therefore consistant aim isn't a factor in who wins.


    And then there was silence...

    • Like 1
  5. Plasma Pistol burst + melee = fast kill.


    Magnum melee + headshot = fast kill.


    If you miss a Boltshot charge, you're screwed against either of these due to the fast nature of melees and magnum bullets.


    :clap: But, for the sake of the argument, whatever you say is correct!! :clap:


    Good players tend not to miss very much. Also, childish closing statement, not that I didn't expect it.

  6. Well I think the issue here is that you are basing whether a gun is OP or not strictly off of it's pure maximum damage output when in fact no gun does the same amount of damage and is balanced depending on the situation and gameplay mechanics. By that logic any gun in the game can be considered OP.


    * The Boltshot has a high damage output but is limited by being useful in a very limited set of situations.


    * The Shotgun has a medium damage output but has a larger set of viable situations because of it's ability to pump out multiple shots.


    * The DMR doesn't have a massive damage output but is a viable choice in almost all situations.


    The point is that the Boltshot is a starting weapon, and so it shouldn't even be comparable to the any of the shotguns. I the Boltshot was ordnance drop it would be compleatly fine.

    • Magnum - Good for headshots, medium-long distance, accuracy necessary.
    • Plasma Pistol - Good for breaking shields (with either single shot or charged shot), EMPing vehicles
    • Boltshot - Headshot capable, but with slower projectiles. Charged shot for shotgun-esque capabilities.

    Each Secondary Weapon fills a niche. They are all equally balanced. They each have pros and cons in certain circumstances, maps, gametypes, etc.




    I know there is nothing special about this thread. I just feel like 343i need to practically have it drummed into thier head before they realise there is an issue here. If people didn't complain things would never improve. Also although Sweaty Beagels has 'countered' every point I have made, every counter he made I 'countered', but okay.


    When going over the secondary weapons, you failed to realise that the Boltshot is the only weapon that can kill in one hit. Since killing the enemy is usually the most beneficial thing you can do, and the game is essentially about killing, the Boltshot outclasses the other secondary in everything apart from Big Team Slayer and Dominion, as those are playlists where vehicles are used frequently.



    • Like 1
  7. Bloom made the game more challenging and competetive. No wonder people didn't like it. I for one had no problem with it because it actually challenged my skill as a player as opposed to point and shoot.


    No, it was made easier for people like you. Bloom introduced random aspects to the gameplay. Someone who timed all thier shots perfectly and got a headshot everytime could lose to someone who spammed the trigger as fast as possible. This is because if you didn't wait for bloom to go back down the bullets could randomly hit thier target anyway. This punished the player who was more precise with thier aim.

    • Like 1
  8. You really can't compare the boltshot to the Shotgun or Scattershot because they both have a larger clip and a faster firing rate than the boltshot.


    When all it takes is one shot. And you play carefully enough so that you don't allow yourself to get outnumbered, the benefits of having a faster firing rate and a larger clip aren't very apparant.


    Yes but the Boltshot probably wouldn't realistically be able to get the one shot at that distance against a moving target. This leaves the shotgun to move in for the easy kill before the Boltshot can cooldown. The Boltshot is easy to line up in test videos against still targets but it's more difficult to line up a shot against a moving target when you often have to lead them a little bit.


    The Shotgun would have this same difficulty but it can simply fire off another shot 1/2 a second later.


    This is true. However situational you think the Boltshot may be, I still think that it shouldn't be able to outrange and outdamage the Shotgun and the Scatter shot under ANY circumstances because its a starting weapon.

    • Like 1
  9. It doesn't rival the shotgun or scattershot... just allows for a similar style of play except not as dominate. The Damage of the Boltshot is pretty powerful but they managed to balance it in other ways.


    The Boltshot can OHK a guy with a Shotgun before the Shotgun guy can get close enough to get a OHK. I would say that is enough to 'rival' them.

    • Like 1
  10. I've seen that video. In an ideal situation the boltshot is by far the most powerful of the three, but when you get into a common combat scenario the RoF of the shotgun and Scattershot make those two far more useful than a Boltshot.


    Exactly. And with that being said, is it right to allow players to start with a weapon that rivals the Shotgun? Not in my opinion.

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  11. From what it sounds like, OP is just salty because he's been killed by it numerous times because he cannot adapt.



    SweatyBagels - 1

    OP - 0

    Boltshot Complaint Thread - over 9000


    Like I said I use the Boltshot myself. I destroy everyone at close range who doesn't use a Boltshot aswell. In the end it just becomes a ridicules OHK fest. It doesn't leave as much room for skill gap.


    Only one person so far has even tryed to elaborate on why they disagree with what I am saying. Thats quite pathetic to say the least.

    • Like 1
  12. 1. If you time it wrong then you are left with a different weapon pulled out or a Boltshot that needs to cool-down before it can be used again.


    2. The Boltshot is incomparable to the shotgun or scattershot. Shotgun and Scattershot can both fire rapidly which is a far more useful trait. If you miss the first shot with the boltshot a follow up is hard.


    1. No, if you time it wrong you can simply switch weapons and move back into cover and try again (in most situations).


    2. The spread of the shot makes it easy to OHK your opponent. Its not like getting a snapshot with a sniper. It really isn't difficult and 9/10 times I will OHK the other person, or take down thier shields and headshot them with the DMR. The reason I realise it is so over-powered is because I use it myself.


    Also watch this:

  13. 1. Your point is irrelevant to the fact that whether you can switch weapons or not doesn't detract from the fact that it still requires good timing to get a kill. A player who doesn't time it right will get killed probably 95% of the time.


    2. It gives you enough time to use the weapons at your disposal to do something about it. It's not like they start the charging when they are 2 feet away... (If they do and still kill you then it's more of a lack of skill on the players part) Use that time to take to cover (if you get killed by a boltshot in a place where there is no cover then that's more of a failure on the players part) or try and go for the melee + Headshot combo.


    3. The One Shot Kill range shown from when people test the Boltshot is under ideal situations. In a game the situation is often not ideal. It makes it very easy to make an imperfect shot and then not get the kill. So any OHK at 15-20 feet probably took a perfect shot and thus I think the person deserved that kill.


    1. It does detract from the 'timing' required since if you time it wrong you can easily switch weapons before the shot is fired.


    2. The boltshot has more range than the Shotgun and the Scattershot. It doesn't matter if they are 2 ft way or 15 ft away. Its still a OHK. There is barely anything you can do when a charged boltshot is aimed at you

  14. Boltshot is not OP...


    *Requires good timing

    *Makes loud sound when charging

    *Realistic One-shot kill range is small (any long distances tend to take a perfect shot which is hard)


    1. It doesn't require good timing since you can switch weapons before the shot is fired.


    2. Thats pretty Irrelevant. People will only charge the weapon at close ranges. Once you hear the noise it will ususally be too late to do anything about it.


    3. Its OHK range is not short at all. It can be around 15-20 ft in some cases.

  15. So the game has been updated and certain things have been adressed, such as the Boltshot reload glitch and the super throw glitch. But why has the game yet to be re-balanced? Anyone who has been playing FPS games competitively for a length of time knows and has realised since the first time they used a charged Boltshot, that its just simply overpowered. It is the ONLY firearm that you can have as part of your loadout that can OHK (One Hit Kill). The very fact that it can OHK effectivly makes it a "power weapon" such as the sniper rifles, the Rocket Launcer, Sticky Detonator, Shotgun etc. With these weapons its absolutly fine, because you cannot spawn with them and can only aquire those weapons from ordnance drops, or finding them placed on maps.


    Its boring how close-range encounters nowadays just devolve into two people both charging thier Boltshots and seeing who gets the shot off first. Its not gameplay that promotes skill.


    I would like to see 343is' reasoning behind leaving the Boltshot OHK in the game, so I hope that one of you are reading this. I think (and I am sure many others do) its one of the major things that need re-balancing in this game.


    I am sure this problem has been brought up many times, but I mean. It still hasn't been fixed even after much less important issues have.

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