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  1. JoeCool32


    Hello, my name is JoeCool32. I've played all of the HALO games, except HALO WARS. I tried, but I didn't like that one. I liked all of the other HALO games. I love 'shoot first and ask questions later' games. I'm probably older than most of you, so my hand/eye coordination is very slow, but I like to play anyway. I bought HALO 4 the day it came out...and I finished it last night. I am very disappointed with this game due to it's length. I expected much more game play for my $60. I played at normal difficulty but even then I expected a much longer game. Game play was great, i liked all of the new maps and environments and all of the new weapons. But, again, it was much too short as well as being about half filled with movies. I don't have a big enough hard drive to do any online play; I'm not good enough, anyway. I get all of the Spartan Ops maps and I'm playing them. I'm just disappointed with the length and content. I wanted a longer game, most shooting and fewer movies. JoeCool32
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