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Everything posted by thelegendofJohn117

  1. I think Halo 5 is the right time to introduce another main character to the Halo franchise, I'm not talking about replacing Master Chief obviously, but putting in someone like the Arbiter that the 2nd player to use in campaign mode. I beat the campaign on legendary with my buddy LiQuid BioniX and we both found it a little strange that both first and second players were depicted as Master Chief. Just a small thing that I think would be nice.
  2. I know there has been a lot of hate for this game in the first couple weeks of it's release, and I really don't understand why. Granted there are some things that should be fixed, but do you guys realize that this is literally 343's first game? Like honestly, who gets it perfect on their first go around? The specialization codes seem to be a big problem, but they're doing their best to fix it. Paying $60 for a game doesn't entitle you to sit at your computer and complain about every little flaw of the game. Yes, it's ok to be upset but these issues will work themselves out, just because it hasn't happened yet doesn't mean 343 is "trying to ruin Halo" or "turning Halo into Call of Duty". If your'e mad that your stuck at 70 with no specialization codes, I don't know, go outside, play a different game or something. Coming and complaining online isn't helping anyone.
  3. I seem to always get the SAW in every OD, not complaining but sometimes it would be nice to get something with a little more range. Do you guys seem to get the same weapon a lot?
  4. Did anyone else but me notice that the wraith seems a lot more fast and mobile than ever before? Maybe it sacrificed power for mobility, or maybe i'm just remembering the wraith being a lot slower, but it somehow seems...different
  5. In my opinion it's the plasma pistol because not only can you take down shields with a charged shot, you can also use it to effectively stop vehicles. Maybe not the best for getting straight up kills, but definitely the best team weapon
  6. When you get a weapon like the sniper or the shotgun, and someone betrays you to pick it up. Like what the hell? I will never understand why people do that, its probably the most selfish thing you can do in match making.
  7. Anybody know when griffball will be coming into Halo 4, I know it's in the forge but is there any way we will know when it is coming to war games?
  8. Was it just me or did the very last part of the campaign seem very "Call of Duty" like to you guys? I'm talking about the part where you are hanging off the edge of the light bridge and you have to press a button to get back on the bridge, then press LS to crawl forward. Then press X to activate the bomb. It just seemed really anti-climactic and a lot like the ending of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. I'm not one of those 343 haters saying "This game isn't even Halo!" I just think that last bit was really a lot like COD
  9. Hey guys, what game types would you like to see in Halo 4, and what game types need small changes?
  10. Yes the boltshot is a very strong gun when you charge up, and yes it can potentially take down all of your shields or possibly kill you, but really, its not that good. For it to kill you the enemy basically needs to be in melee range and if they miss its quite easy to kill them. Also, why are you allowing people to get this close to you? Just shoot heads and don't let them in so close. Also people say "oh it should be an ordinance drop because its too powerful" no it shouldn't because realistically its only gonna get you 2 or 3 kills. The only people I see getting killed by the boltshop who sit in the back of the map with a DMR or BR who have scopes up and can't see anyone coming.
  11. Specifically Guardian, Blackout, Construct and Foundry
  12. Would you guys pay for an additional map pack with Halo 3 maps?
  13. Truthfully I haven't even opened the Halo 4 forge yet. How does it compare to Halo 3? And yes I know there was ODST and Reach in between but this game is much more of a continuation of 3 than it is of Reach
  14. One of my favorite things about Halo 3 was attempting and I stress the word attempting to splatter people with the mongoose. However I was not thrilled that they didn't add some spikes onto the front of it, or at least the ability to drop grenades off the back. Hopefully by now you realize i'm not being serious, I just love trying to splatter people with the mongoose cause really, isn't that the most embarrassing way to die?
  15. If anyone has played the mission Forerunner on Legendary you will know that when you come through the cave systems and have to destroy the 3 balls of energy (sorry for not knowing the technical term for what they are) there are a few AI that are in banshees. I am convinced they are the most overpowered AI in the entire campaign, for me beating them was the hardest part of the entire campaign. I am not complaining about it being "too difficult" or anything like that, its just a funny moment I hope others can relate too. Sure you can try to EMP them with the plasma pistol, but they just shoot you with the fuel rod cannon and spin away and by the time you run over to board/sticky the banshee they are already back in the sky. Anyone else remember this part? Haha it gave me so much trouble.
  16. Personally this is one of my favorite features of Halo 4, because the vote would always come down to the last second because some people in a party would keep clicking back and forth between maps. What are your guys feelings about this?
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