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Everything posted by jdizzle93

  1. ive jus read that europe doesnt get early access code but all specializations will be unlocked to everyone eventually
  2. YUP i am raging if i knew that 343 was gonna screw the uk over by selling half a game i would not have wasted my money on it!!!! SCREW U 343 I AINT BUYING ANYTHING MADE BY U AGAIN!! FIX IT
  3. im with you bro if they screw over a nation well... i know i wont be buying any halo made by 343. Theyve screwed up bad.
  4. why they only letting usa have codes? will the uk ever get them anyone know? scratch that ive found out that although europe etc. wont get code, that is only for early access. everyone, that includes those in the usa who didnt get code for one reason or other WILL get all specializations... it will just take a while for em to be released to us.
  5. its the 3rd im in uk and still no code from 343 i got h4 and played mp since it came out on the 6th...
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