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  1. @Hunter Umm I doubt it, Gears and Halo are totally different games and don't really compete. I get what you mean though. Reach wasn't far enough btw, it was just before the Halo event. That is not going that far in the past, this would be their first. So I think 343 should try it, because the beginning days of the war were the most interesting and brutal. I think it should be done, cause i feel that leaving out the BEGINNING of it all is sort of disrespectful. Sure, Halo Wars did it, but we all know what that game is. I wanna be down in harvest in combat fighting the covenant and/or progress more and more across the events of Halo's story beginning.
  2. I am going to make this pretty short because my message is pretty easy to get across but, I'm really hoping if they make a new Halo, 343 should use the advantage of all the the stories halo has to offer and REALLY make halo fans happy by making an FPS and bring us fans to the start of the war, and how it happened, this leading us to fight the Covenant at February 11, 2525when the harvest campaign was beginning, and other events too. A plus, you can play as a spartan too but with Mark IV armor.I don't really have much to say since I made my point except that maybe if they do make the game, an idea 343 can do is show the war in different generations, starting from harvest, to 10 years later. There is this mission where a bunch of Spartans go to a covenant plasma factory(i forget what the name of what it was) tto destroy it which they do, but they all fight to the death except a few survivors like Kat for example which could really inform people where some Spartans came from. It's just an idea, but just seeing the beginning would be amazing, cause I really wanna see the older halo now. Gears of War is doing this idea, you guys should too. I hope many of you agree with me . Just so you know, if we can really get the idea into 343, this could happen, only if Halo fans are down for something as cool as this.
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