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    Ocean Springs, MS
  • Interests
    RPGs, tabletop gaming, painting models and Halo to name a few.

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  1. I'm not good at introductions, so I'll get right to the point: There has been an issue in the last two games (4 and Reach), at least for me. Custom games, or rather the lack thereof. In Halo 3, I picked up almost all my custom games -- all of them great -- from friends or in matchmaking via looking at file shares. The ability to look at file shares in matchmaking was taken away and for my friends and I, matchmaking gets very old very quickly. You forgot about the file browser, Bondi. I haven't. The file share system was superior. All the bad games had to pass through a filter made by the players themselves. I cannot describe how many times I attempted to use the file browser and got only crap games. If they're represented on the file share of another player and they didn't author it, 99% of the time, it's great. Onto the next issue: the lack of game modes. Juggernaut, VIP, Invasion, Race, Headhunter, Assault, Stockpile and Territories are the ones off the top of my head I recall as missing. Over the years, I've come to love at least some of these game types, and I'm baffled as to how Halo 4, probably the best game of '12 would not have included all of these game types. I'm disappointed. With my forge and custom game experience this limited, I found myself almost already tiring of Halo 4. There was much emphasis, I felt, put on matchmaking. It was tolerable for quite a while. But you can only milk that so much. Custom games were really what defined my Halo experience and, humbly, I'd like to ask 343 to return them. Also Forge World. I apologize if 343 is planning on adding these already and I'm just out of the loop on info.
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