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Everything posted by blujay42

  1. I can see the objects sitting down there. They aren't re-spawning. If this is intended behavior, it's stupid intended behavior. Those kill limits really are useless for everything but limiting you. Why would you implement a re-spawn timer on an object with no formal way to remove from the game? I am new to console gaming; I guess I was expecting too much.
  2. I am experiencing the same problem flinging kill balls to the bottom of ravine. Here's the thing, for a while it worked. I had a hog spawning in front of it and being blown up each time it idled out-- down in the water way out of bounds; while I built for a whole hour, but at some point the kill ball just starting sitting forever. It really sucks because I have this big, hideous, elaborate deathtrap built and now it's coupe de' grace is absent. I would appreciate if objects would be force respawned if they go into the kill zone or out of bounds. I was literally stuck with objects outside the map I couldn't physically reach to delete without dying. I'm not doing anything too over the top, either.
  3. You're a troll. Blood Gulch/Coagulation/etc (I don't understand why they change the name, it's cute but unnecessary) is one of the undisputed most balanced maps floating around in gaming history right up there with Dust 2. If you're not trolling, you need to learn to play. The Mantis may have caused some upset; but in general it's no more an issue than the entire rest of the game- also, it counters the banshee nicely. Also, if you're getting killed by the Mantis you're dumb. I've EMP'ed it from halfway across the map a dozen times. Halo is, always has been, and always will be a vehicle game. What rock are you living under that makes you think this is a serious competitive game; what with it being played with analog sticks that magically magnet-stick to other player's heads? If you want that type of game there's one defacto standard, it's called Counter Strike- but you couldn't cut the mustard in that franchise anyway. You'd be the guy not checking corners and then bitching about "campers" who were probably not even camping but using stop and go tactics. I've owned an Xbox for a whole of three days and I'll **** right on his face just because pc master race gives you intuition like nothing else can, there isn't enough variety on the console for people who only play Halo/CoD/whatever to think really out of the box. For example, the number of you people not taking the ghost makes me laugh every time. I mean really, I'll watch 4 guys run past the ghost on Blood Gulch. What hole did these kids crawl out of? So i take the ghost, drive right through their team and float around out of sight for a bit only to come screaming out right as they start shooting at somebody- and it never fails 3/4 of the time every single player is facing away from me (even though a ghost just screamed right past them like four feet away) and half of them get splatted. Hell, I've been splatting guys at point blank range indoors Someone needs to send theses people an Xbox and Halo CE so they can see what the game is about. originally, the vehicles were invincible. Remember that part?
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