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    I'm not really sure anymore.
  • Interests
    Guitar, Gaming, Sleeping, and eating.

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    DeathLord Nexus

Harbinger's Achievements

343 Guilty Spark

343 Guilty Spark (19/19)



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  1. School shut off wifi while right after I finished long post and after I just entered the shoutbox. Sorry to anyone who may have talked to me and I didn't respond.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Harbinger


      Well my school has two wi-fis one with a password to use and the other one that is open to the students.

    3. Fishy


      My school is stupid. They have like 6 different Wifi's and one guest. Yet, the password is 1234567890 XD

    4. Harbinger


      Im trying that password tomorrow....

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