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Echo of Sorrow

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Posts posted by Echo of Sorrow

  1. I would put up a counter-argument but it seems everybody else has. So, I shall say that I'm content with the story and found it much more interesting than Halo 3's, I enjoyed the major plot twists and I think 343 did an excellent job with it as a whole. I'm really excited to see how they expand on the story in Halo 5.

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  2. 2-Flag CTF on Sandtrap

    Guy 1: "Alright guys, were, gonna get in our Elephant and ram it into there Elephant so we can cap there flag."

    Guy 2: " But... Won't they get our flag too?"

    Guy 1: "... I'm still waiting for the reason why we shouldn't do this."

    Sandtrap 2-Flag CTF was the **** back then, It was like playing Pirates. Good times, good times.

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  3. Wow so THIS is what has been driving me absolutely insane! I have been wondering why I am generally so terrible with the DMR in this game, but yet from time to time I will have a game where I absolutely dominate and the gun feels perfect. I have not been this frustrated by a game for a long time. I have a question though. In the previous online Halo games, I have not felt this bipolar effect where my skill with a mid-long range weapon fluctuates wildly from game to game. Why is that? Did previous Halo games not have any lag compensation? Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I don't feel quite so enraged now.

    And I thought it was just me.
  4. 1. Yes, I don't see why they shouldn't reset it.

    2. Yes, I don't have any interest of going on Halo Waypoint to see my skill ranking

    3. No, like many have stated above me that should only be a part of it and not the whole thing. Winning/Losing isn't the only part, it should factor in K/D, total game score, ect. Basically what Sharrief Ibn Kaal Shabazz said.

  5. I don't like what they've done with the BR, they've made it the BR so you can easily spam the trigger to get a kill comparitive to Halo 3. All people do now is mash the down the trigger without even aiming.

    (either that or I keep getting paired with these people and missing half of the community that doesn't do this.)

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