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Winry Rockbell

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Posts posted by Winry Rockbell


    Why on earth would I want to stay sane?


    That said: The Lord of the Rings by J R R Tolkien, Mezzanine by Massive Attack, and probably a slush machine.


    So how does this work: do I ask you a truth now, or do you ask me another?


    Since you answered your question, you would go and find someone that is waiting on a Truth or Dare and get them something to do. Like Caboose now. :)


    I dare you to post this on Halo6Follower's page saying exactly the absolute next sentence after this one (just to be specific):


    I love it when you look at me like that ;)


    (If it's too extreme I'll change it lol)


    Gimme a Dare if you would be so kind.


    I dare you to go on Fishy's page and post about how beautiful of a bride he will be.


    Truth for me this time

  3. I would take SW Revenge of the Sith Novelization, Andy Black's the Shadow Side, and Mac and cheese



    I'll do Truth



    I may not be doing this right


    Lol. That truth you answered was for the person above me. You should have dared me to do something since I said dare and then you could say truth so I could ask you a question, but it's OK.


    Truth for you. Since you are relatively new, what are the 5 most important qualities to you in a friend?

  4. If you were able to travel 100 years into the future or 100 years into the past and you could go anywhere in the world, and spend a week there, where would you go and why?


    And I'll take a Truth. It's too early to start getting dares to ban Church ;)


    I would go to Japan 100 years in the future. It would be amazing to see how far the world has grown from a tech standpoint.


    I just want to verify, I was the originator of this on the forum. However! I totally support a Truth or Dare 2.0! I'm so happy you liked the idea too~ and your additions make it EVEN more fun! ^_^


    Truth me!


    Lol. Yeah, you were completely the originator and made it so fun. I'm trying to bring back your magic.


    For your truth, if you had the chance to go on a date with anyone in history, who would it be with and why?




    If you were able to travel 100 years into the future or 100 years into the past and you could go anywhere in the world, and spend a week there, where would you go and why?


    And I'll take a Truth. It's too early to start getting dares to ban Church ;)



    I don't want to get you banned lol.


    If you had to survive in isolation for 1 year, what book, cd, and food would you take with you to keep you sane?

    • Like 1
  5. A while back, this site had a running thread of truth or dare. Rules of the game so we can get this going and boost some activity! :)


    Look at the post above you. If that person said truth, ask them a question. If that person said dare, give them a dare. The most important rule though, is that if you give someone a task or question, you have to now choose Truth or Dare for the person that posts after you. Nothing too super crazy for a dare though. Once you have completed a dare, screenshot it as proof and you can post it in this thread. 



    SO, to start this off, i will do an easy one and just say Truth. Lets keep this light and fun! Someone ask me a question and then pick truth or dare so i or someone else can return the favor! :)




    Edit: Also, to drum up posts and interest, i have this in the regular General section and not the Offbeat so that way everyone will get posts and important likes by participating! 





    • Like 4
  6. I am amazed that you have kept this going for this long. My question is, out of all the men and women in the world, why is it that the women are always right? Lol. Just kidding. My real question is, what is your favorite hobby and could Pokémon make it better?

  7. To correct the following wrong information...


    1. 343i outsourced campaign visual overhauls as well as multiplayer. Internally THEY handled the coding to bring everything together. The faults with MCC are strictly server side which IS 343i.


    2. Halo Reach WAS co-developed by 25 members of 343i and Bungie. It was used to teach 343 how to handle the engine. Frankie was literally of no integral help other than overwight management.


    3. To date how many times was a Bungie developed Halo given a complete fixing patch or title update to correct bugs? See below...


    - Halo CE: None

    - Halo 2: 3, all to fix hacks, cheats and exploits. Only 1 contained matchmaking update.

    - Halo 3: 3, to all improved playlists and achievments and 1 to remove BXR combo.

    - Halo 3: ODST: none

    - Halo Reach: 2, one to change float damage and bloom issues, and one to correct matchmaking.


    Now lets look at 343 Industries end of it.


    - Halo 4: 5, each one including various stability or glitch fixes.

    -MCC: I lost count. After roughly about 7-8 updates nothing works even nearly as good as when Bungie released a title.


    The point is, Bungie obviously spent a lot more time delving into the bug section of their titles themselves, rather than allow the multitude of theses "Halo pros" to do it. 343i has failed time and time again in terms of quality control. Please refer to Halo Wiki for exacts on the TU's, then run them all side by side. Bungie>343 its fact.


    Average bug fix update for Bungie was 3. Average so far for 343i is 5.


    You have so much insight! I agree with everything you said, but let's take more than Halo into count. Bungie's now produced a new title that was a big seller upon release, but after most realized there is no story and the weapons are imbalanced it is turning into no better than 343i Halo games. Destiny has a lot of the same issues. Countless patches to balance weapons, bad story that goes unfixed after 2 expansions, and even had the audacity to have some of the expansions hidden on the disk that they unlocked when you paid for it months after initial release. They even banned people for getting into the "expansion" before it's launch. They are just as shady now.

  8. This presidency thing is very hard to vote on. Each of the candidates deserve it and i wish each of you could be president. I would like to know who wins soon though so i can suck up to them and become something like "Administrator of Not Doing Anything" 

  9. I know i feel like a terrible person when i say this, but this FREE games just arent good enough for XB1. They need to at least throw us a AAA title every once in a while because these same ole same games are getting too much. I have gotten to the point where i dont even remember to check. Again, i know how dumb it is to complain about free though! lol

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