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Falchion Sensei

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    Falchion Sensei

Falchion Sensei's Achievements


Grunt (1/19)



  1. Alright, thanks for the tip. Guess I won't be pulling any all-nighters if I plan to play at all the next day.
  2. I played late into the night last night, til around 4 AM pacific, and hit the XP limit even though I didn't recieve a message. I only noticed it once I finished a match & went straight to the lobby. Now today I get on to play around 1:45 PM and after a single Spartan Ops it says I reached the limit again (at least I got the message)! This is the first time I've seen this, is it a glitch? Or should I just give the game a breather for a day or so lol?
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