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Posts posted by inujuk

  1. @natsu that should have worked as long as you only had one fusion coil on the map. if you still cant get it, try loading an empty map and testing it. If you made the first fusion coil and set its min and max count to 1 and 1, then went on to add more coils, this would not work. The min and max count are inclusive for all the fusions coils. so for example, if you made 6 fusion coils, the min and max counts should both be set to 6 and so on.


    if you want to make it rain coils(or anything really), build a plaform somewhere in the air. place a lot of coils on top and set them to instant spawn. then, remove the plaform. coils should spawn in the air and automatically fall.

  2. ok do not worry about respwan timer thats not what you need. if you want indefinately spawning objects go into the objects tool menu and then go to advanced. set the minimum on map value equal to the total number of that specific object. i can explain in more detail if you dont understand.

  3. 343 has not put 1 flag ctf into the game yet. hopefully they will bring it in the future.


    @jackal utlra the 2 flag set up is easy. make 2 flag stands, flag return labels on them. give one to attacking team one to defenders. if you are testing the map out in a custom lobby, the flags will only show up if there is at least one person on each team.

  4. @rider92 the teams will automatically change sides aftereach round. at least, that is the default setting.


    @outlaw2005 the current halo 4 forge does not alow for 1 flag ctf specifically. my map is techinically 2 flag, but it play EXACTLY like one flag - that is, it is completely impossible for the defending team to make a capture during the round. the round ends by time limit or if the attackers score, then they switch sides.

  5. Hey everyone,


    Lets get a thread going to help people get their maps tested. My one flag ctf map should be ready sometime tomorrow, in the meantime, anyone who wants to be a map tester or have some of their stuff tested, leave your gamer tag here and we can all get together in the future.



    Gamertag: Inujuk


    Feel free to add me if you need a tester.

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