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  1. Time for a follow up rant. Once again i'm put into a flag match on a team that is 3 flags down. WTF! And, getting put into a Regicide game that is half over, where I cannot possibly win, is not fun.
  2. I actually care about winning, and a team that has been a man down (or more) for most of the game is probably losing. Thus, I lose barely without firing a shot. And when I play solo, I can't even stay in a party - often all other players quit after the game - and i get put into ANOTHER game that's almost over. Tighten the restrictions on when you start games (do you really need to start 4v4 games early, so it's 4v3?); and don't add people after the game is, say, 50% done. This isn't COD, and I actually care how I perform. This is really frustrating me. Thanks, U
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