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  1. So the maps on disc 2 is not a rumor right? I assume those 9 Wargames maps will be on the disc. I have the limited edition so I can supposedly get them for free.
  2. While Halo 4 released with 13 maps, that is pretty good for a game that just came out but are all those 13 maps actually in the Wargames playlists? Also big team slayer and domination have such little variety! There are only 4 maps if I am not mistaken. They need at least 10 different maps for this game type. +4 Forge maps and 2 maps from the first map pack would be nice.
  3. Are you able to change the Terrain type in Forge? The current state of the editor is pathetic, while it has more options then Halo Reaches forge, the maps are just to small. They need to release an update ASAP or we will never see great maps like Hemmorage in Big Team Battle again. Still, couldn't you just use the Valhalla map and remove everything and start over? It is not as big as Hemmorage though.
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