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    MadMike Love

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  1. 343 did an amazing job picking up the franchise. Everything is great, including forge. Because of one favorite feature being gone such as fine tuning or even forge world, doesn't mean the game is broken or unworkable. I've just finished the ground work for a very interesting path-driven map that is asymmetrical and lied out like a lockout-guardian crossover, and I finished it in about 10 - 12 hours. Some features were rustling my jimmies a bit, but nothing that i couldn't fix with some simple exploits-that-aren't-even-exploits. Forge feels, and acts the same way as in reach, and is still workable. Nevertheless, here are some suggestions that would make a forger's life much easier. 1. Items within categories / budget limit cap: I can set down 99 railings and one glass cover because the decorative category as with every other category is limited to 100 objects. they either should be individualized or lifted by 100 altogether. Also budget could be lifted by 5 or 10 thousand bucks. Not vital, but would make my life less stressful indeed as I reach the budget/item limit. (if anyone gets access to infinite budget maps let me know.) 2a. Access to more than 4 lights: At least it's more than 2 like in reach, but still. 4 lights? How come I can't have 10 or even 20? is there really a technical limit? (kind of related to #1 but still) 2b. Florescent ceiling lights: anyone else? just me? neat idea, would use. 3. Fine height tuning: I can fine tune width and length axes by looking at the object from above and nudging the stick slightly, but there's no way to fine adjust height. I guess you could say you should bring back fine tuning altogether, but all we really need is something to fine tune our height levels. You see, height values of rolled, yawed, or pitched objects sometimes don't agree with other level and flat objects automatically. This is actually what frustrated me most. 4. More magnets: The objects themselves that are solid and cube shaped have perfect magnet points, but other objects aren't so blessed. Objects like huge flat 4x4 blocks have 4 general magnet places, when they should have 12. That way you could line up 2 inclined bridges mapped automatically to either side of the same edge on items like a flat 4x4 block. 5: a perfect and full 90 degree angle bridge: I'm aware of slapping to 45 degree corners together, but it's a curved edge. I would love a perfect squared bridge with the luxury of railings present. 6: a 45 degree platform in the shape of a triangle: How come the only 45 degree platforms are pentagons? Give me a triangle so that i could slap three bridges on each side perfectly with no gaps. 7: Copy / Paste? this is a longshot, but selecting a large grouping of objects and being able to copy / paste them somewhere else would be extremely helpful for people who are making symmetrical maps. If not Halo 4, Halo 5 right? P.S. MAKE MAP SPECIFIC OBJECTS AVAILABLE IN ALL MAPS >:[ haha I love impact's objects, and it's a little upsetting that I can't use them in an environment like ravine which just happens to be my favorite. P.S.S. great job on the object textures, 343! All in all, I love halo 4's forge mode! EDIT: grammar and word errors.
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