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Posts posted by Nmalthus

  1. the reason why Halo 4 is what it is now, is because...


    A different company took the IP and made it better than any prior Bungie iteration. COD may sell more because #1 it is multi platform and caters to a vastly different community where as opposed to Halo which requires more skill and doesn't just feed you kills, in COD anyone can hop right in and do considerably well.

  2. What is this fallback hopper you speak of? I also bought the Le edition and i used to be able to see all of the other classes but once i hit 50 i was only eligible to play wetwork and operator. I tried to enter my code in for the map packs and specializations but it says it has already redemeed and i can't remember if i did or not, do i have to wait till the 30th to use this code or can some one help me out :S ?


    also does anyone know if i do not pick a specialization and say i hit level 70 can i just back log that expierance and level 2 classes instantly once i get the ones i want?



    Sometimes I see a different set of hoppers, and my SR gets set back to 0. Why does that happen?


    What you are seeing are “fallback hoppers”. When you enter this mode, you will see a UI notification. It shows up on the “Find Game” screen for War Games. In previous Halo titles, you’re dependent on the servers to get the information you needed for Matchmaing, and if they go down, you can’t play. Fallback hoppers are a new functionality for Halo 4, and they allow people to continue playing Halo 4 when there are server issues.


    In order to preserve the integrity of the online experience, there are some limitations to this functionality:


    • Reduced XP earn rate, counted as offline XP

    • Players in the fallback hopper cannot play with those that are using the regular server hoppers

    • Player customization is disabled (no armor, loadouts, emblem)


    Since the server isn’t actually available in fallback hopper mode, you’ll be missing functionality that the server provides. This includes:


    • Spartan Ops

    • File Share

    • Service Record

    • Commendations

    • Challenges

    • Double XP tokens


    You will automatically be switched to fallback hoppers if you fail to download a necessary file. You’ll remain in fallback hoppers for up to 10 minutes after the services return. When in this mode, it’s a good idea to relaunch the game on a regular basis, so you can reenter the regular hoppers as soon as they’re available.




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  3. I am having te same problem everyone else is having but worse, I'm not going to complain about the double xp because I think I put in two or three codes and not even sure it was activated,but I really want to know why I'm hitting this cap everyday when I'm playing the same amout as some of my freinds online and gaining the same xp and they don't hit it, it's dumb that this cap would be there when there could be other things that could probably be prevented... What is the reason of the xp cap? To stop the people that love this game to pull it out of their disk tray and play COD since there isn't a xp cap, I think more people r going to be addicted to black ops 2 just for that reason alone that they can actually rank up when they play and not miss out on xp..


    The supposed reeason for the cap is to slow down the rate of people getting access to the specializations too far ahead of other people. I think the cap is like 150K, some have said it's 75K while they "actively" monitor progression. It's still enough to gain a few levels a day at least until the 40s when it may net 1-2 levels a day.

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