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Everything posted by SoloPopo

  1. SoloPopo

    NO RANK????

    I haven't opened my game yet. It's a good thing, because I just found out Halo 4 has no visible ranking system. I'm heading straight back to the store for a refund. I don't even care if they're planning one. Just the fact that they didn't launch Halo 4 with a ranking system shows to me that 343 does not understand Halo. There is no motivation to play if there is no way to gauge how good you are in comparison to other players. You might as well just play Social Slayer on Halo 3. I don't care about fancy armor everyone will eventually have, regardless of their skill level. This game is not COD. It's supposed to be competitive, and Bungie understood that. Does 343 expect us to play the same matches over and over again with no incentive whatsoever? RIP Halo. It's been a good run. If by some miracle the ranking system they say they're coming out with isn't some COD abomination designed to hide how good or bad you actually are, I will re-buy +1 if you agree
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