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Everything posted by rocketlawnchair

  1. To be honest, a lot of the ending was a little bit confusing to me. How exactly did Cortana protect Chief from the blast? And how did she suddenly become corporeal to touch Chief? Furthermore, how was she able to actually physically restrain the Didact? I felt like it was all a little bit too much space-magic.
  2. In the epilogue, a few marines are shown getting off of a pelican in New Phoenix, the city that the Composer fried. They're shown scanning for something in the wreckage, and we see purple lights floating around. When Cortana said that the rest of her was "down there," could that be what she meant? It seemed like a pretty random scene to throw into the epilogue if it wasn't meant to hint at something.
  3. I know there's been a few threads on this already, but here goes... Do you think that Cortana is going to be back, or have we seen the last of her? To be honest, I'm just not that interested in playing a Halo game featuring the Chief but without Cortana. To me, their dynamic is a huge part of what made Halo what it is. Taking that away permanently would make me feel as if 343 was just pasting the Halo universe over top of a generic lone super-soldier story. Thoughts? Also, vote in the poll, por favor.
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