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Saint Mudknot

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Posts posted by Saint Mudknot

  1. I support this, i feel the LE was the ones who should have been benefited with early access to specializations. This wasnt why i got LE but it was a nice touch.

    I think by now, and since the big problem with the spec codes, it would be fair to publicly open up specializations to everyone. As a LE purchaser i think my time with the early specializations has been fulfilled to where i feel like i wasnt ripped off and i had them for a long time.


    343 should open the flood gates, hell its only US and canada that gets dewxp(double xp) anyway so im all for it

  2. HALO 1 had a great campaign, the first FPS on console since Bond64 to be fun to play with friends......HALO4 did this.


    HALO2 had good online and changed a lot from CE, however had mass glitches that players abused. HALO2 was far from balanced, glitches like super bounce and BXB/BXR made people hate the game, if you couldnt get on board with the glitches you fell behind the rest of the community. And the campaign was ok, but also the shortest in the series.


    HALO3 was a good successor to 2, and a lot of fun. Firefight is the reason for Spartan Ops so its good to see how thats evolved over time. However the BR was the primary weapon of choice for all games.....period. Thats why Bungie invented the DMR to avoid people just using the BR, and failed. thats why 343 was smart enough to put them all on a equal playing ground for people who want to use what.


    HALO4 has breathed new life into the franchise, and even if you think its not as fun as the rest of the games, critics and fans alike have rejoiced in the games return to the feel of HALO with its new changes. It gotten higher scores than CoD, and the reason CoD is a more played game? more systems play it, more people to play. I might have a xbox, and you have a PS3 but we both have CoD.....its pop culture dude.


    You cant really think HALO is doing that bad when they just had a successful launch, web series, and review on the first HALO made by microsofts inhouse team.....i think they have went above and beyond with the way majority of people are reacting....theres allways a sour apple to spoil the bunch tho

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  3. HALO 1 and HALO 2 are obsolete with current times and games.


    They had been a great game for the time they lived but those times have long passed.


    The new system is fun and brought back new life into a, hate to say it, dieing game due to the flop REACH was.


    This is the best HALO to date and ive played HALO campaign and multiplayer since before Xbox Live was even booted up.

  4. Never clamied that they did. What does make the game unbalanced is the following...

    1. Perks

    2. Special abilities that are not available to all players (Spercializations)

    3. The so called matchmaking system that makes players play against other players that have played the game 3 times as much that have a way higher XP level.

    4. Starting games uneven, having games finish uneven because players quitting to due no penalty. I rarley have a party of four or more so this is the case alot epecially if we are losing later in the games.


    The Specializations are available to everyone, just not right away, and they only replace 1 of your perks. I still find myself using default more than the specializations, they arent that amazing, its really just more for gear in my eyes.

    XP level doesnt rank the skill of a player so pairing a level 15 and a level 115 isnt a major concern, considering a lot of people level up mostly in Spartan Ops and that has no benefit to multiplayer skill.

    Starting games uneven and joining in progress games was to help players who dont quit. Punishment doesnt stop quitters from quitting however you want to believe it, and if there was punishment for it people would be complaining about that too because "what if i need to answer the door and im gone too long"

  5. We are not discussing what is wrong with HALO in this thread, period.


    We are discussing why this game makes you warm and fuzzy on the inside and what additions youd like to see added to the game, maybe bring back an old vehicle, weapon....etc


    No flaming or bashing allowed here, there are plenty of other threads for that...BUT NOT HERE.


    So lets get this started.


    I love this game and enjoy the fact that all the game types available went back to the classic HALO choices for the most part, im a big fan of KoTH and really happy to see BTB is finally doing better than regular slayer!!!!!

    I think with the new AA's they should use them to adjust current game types i really feel they would be a lot more fun.

    SWAT with Energy shields for instance would be fantastic and i think really be a balanced defense that could finally make SWAT that much more.

    Im also a huge fan of the weaponry and how they have balanced a lot of the issues they had with them in previous games, such as the DMR bloom.


    And i finally feel that all the "Loadout weapons" or just basically the rifles may work differently in slight ways but are all on a level playing field when using them.


    BRING BACK THE BRUTE CHOPPER lol that vehicle was awesome when smashing through warthogs

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  6. I'll tell you want it is. It's a lazy attempt to silence alllllllllllll the people who were complaining pre launch about no ranking system. Nothing more nothing less. It doens't fly for me.


    I dont feel they withheld a ranking system for more than the fact that specializations were going to be unlocked and that the new style of multiplayer needed time to be learned before becoming competitive. I am a fan of ranks but i have no idea why its boiling your blood so badly, just play the game and have fun, do competitive playing where you can find it and enjoy a great HALO game. If you are having so many issues wit hthe game that your being childish about it, stop playing and find something else.

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