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Posts posted by TornadoFlame

  1. I'm sorry dude, but you have no ******* idea what your talking about.  You know how long I've kept my mouth shut, just watching you and others like you constantly bicker about **** you have no idea about?  There's a reason I'm known for being the Tech guru, it wasn't a title that was added by myself.  It was a title GIVEN to me because I know more about the workings of the game than anyone else out there with the exception of a handful. 


    Halo has done nothing to "mimic" the other FPS titles out there.  All the franchise developers did, was take basic core principals established waaaaay back since the days of unreal Tournament, and put a Halo feel on them.  Do you really think keeping the gameplay and core mechanics the same will save and keep Halo alive forever?  You guys all bash other FPS titles like CoD for keeping things the same, yet here you are bashing Halo for NOT keeping things the same.    Halo 2 and Halo 3 are my favorite MM experiences during the Halo franchise.  But I would NOT want each title after them to keep playing the same.  it's nice to see fresh takes on old ideas or mechanics and have them applied to the Halo universe.  Halo 4 may not be my favorite game in the franchise, it's almost last on my last, right above Halo 1.  But that doesn't mean I don't see the future 343i is creating by innovating the series with changes.  You same people are the same ones who bitched and moaned about Halo 2 not being Halo 1 at first.  it took a few years, but you guys finally moved on and found Halo 2 to be the better title

    sure guy I am entertained by the how much thought and anger you gave me for stating my opionon on the situation i guess because you the "forums tech guru" then your completely right No wonder halo is currently so popular and so many players are online.....  lmao guy your pretty cute sir. It's nice to know a title on a forum can make someone so cocky.

  2. I really hate it when people try to compare FPS titles and mention skill gaps and randomness.  Neither is a legit claim.  Skill is purely perspective and independent of each title.  The skill sets of Halo games vary across them all.  Same goes with CoD and Crysis, each game holds a different varying set of base skills one must possess to be good at each one. 


    Randomness is based on equations, not magical random events that just happen for no reason.  Lag plays a huge part in this, but is so often overlooked that it becomes easier to blame the game mechanics.  All FPS, suffer from some sort of either lead time, magnetism or bullet spread that works differently in all titles.  Just because it's there and it sometimes fails to work to your advantage, does not make it flawed or poor.


    That being said, going backwards in gameplay will only delay and separate gamers.  Halo 3 and 2 were great games, but bringing back that same gameplay, would take the franchise back a bit, and disrupt or destroy any future plans or innovations that the franchise may have planned.  Why do you think they ultimately decided not to include CEA with it's original MM experience?  They stated directly that doing so would have fragmented the player base.  Fragmenting it by destroying other titles the chance to be played because of the unique experience the original had.


    Seriously...it's been 2 titles now, and you guys are still bitching and moaning about the changes being made to the franchise.  2 games and six years.....they obviously are going forward with innovation.  Except it and move on, or leave the game.  That's pretty much your only choice.

    legit claim? ok guy.. lmao... i could make paragraph's why this game plays to so much randomness and why the skill gap is to thin but i've said it for so many times saying it on a forum really wont do much but waste my time.. Ok Lets do it your way and continue to mimic other game features and go away from being orginal i guess your idea can be the franchise killer :) I've left halo with 9/10 of the population already guy just trying to make the franchise popular again.

  3. I should have said loadouts are more common on PC games than on console games. But there are many games that have class-based gameplay or variations of the loadout system.

    People complain about Halo changing, yet those same people complain about CoD being the same...if Halo never changes, then it will become exactly what you don't want it to be. 

    If you want Halo 3, no one is stopping you from playing it. In fact a fair number of fans still play Halo 3.  

    Also, Halo 4's loadout system is not the same as CoD's to begin with. There is no spawning with power weapons, no deathstreaks, and so on.

    There honestly is no pleasing some people...

    well they tried the change way and clearly it failed only selling well because of it's name. Cod gets over 200k online always tho... If it anit broken don't fix it Halo was the game that was always different from every fps out to date thats why everyone Loved it so much. Now its basicaly the same dumbdown gameplay as the rest which completely turned off 9/10 of the people who purchased it. Cod class system is the same as halo's you get perks killstreaks and such. When i used to play halo all i and everyone in lobbies i played with said it felt like a more frustrating version of cod, The game needs a skill gap it needs to get rid of all the randomness this is not a cod game and break back the old school arena shooter. I beleive they wont do this tho considering 343 is running everything we will see it is very sad to see everyones favorite franchise die because it decided to mimic other games and stray from being its own game.  I'd probably play halo 3 all day everyday if servers were fixed It is still a great game aside from the hackers and such.

  4. You do realize that if Halo's multiplayer stayed the same, it would be exactly what you dislike about CoD: always the same thing. You can't have it both ways. Loadouts are a common video game thing, not at all exclusive to CoD. Armor abilities have been around since Halo: Reach and were not put in the game by 343i. While returning to Halo 2 and 3 style gameplay might help short-term, in the long-term, it will do more harm than good and actually would make Halo like Call of Duty. 


    That being said, I would love a gametype that plays like Halo 2 and 3. Maybe we could have "Classic Slayer" and "Infinity Slayer". 

    whaaaat loudouts are common now? wow.... *facepalm*


    anyways they just need to remake halo 3 thats the only way to save this franchise. If anything make all that luck based random stuff in social and give rank old school how everyone expected halo to be.

  5. You can't really do call outs if you're on the opposing team's chat. But FFA should be able to talk to enemies in one big chat.

     Yeah i forgot halo 4 matchmaking system is horrible and has rank with social so  calling out would make chatting  during game impossible, well does it atleast happen before and after game lobbys? or is it still 100 percent queit lobbys where no one has mics?


    Yeah i remenber ffa having it and it was ok but with teams it wasn't


  6. So recently me and my friends have been bored of dominating on mw3 theres no one to conversate with and troll with it seems. I was wondering if halo 4 has changed it and made it able to talk to the other team before after games, and during games. this is probably the 1 true game breaking feature for me and my friends because we enjoy the social experience of being insulted then winning and listening to people whine. I hope if it hasn't been changed it will be added back into halo 5 because with no social expeience then like i've said i'll feel like i'm fighting bots.

  7. this is a main reason why halo 4 is almost dead. If you dont like the number no reason to whine about it.  a simple fix would clearly be ranked and nonranked it's that simple and caters to every group not just the casuals which is how the game currently caters to. Maybe halo 5. my issue with going to a website was that i  had to exit out of halo 4 just to go view it which is totaly ignorant on the company's part i have to waste 5-10minutes loading up the app checking if i went up or not then exit out of that get back into halo 4 and play it again.. what if i don't have enough room to download the app? what if i don't own a pc laptop ect.... these issues....

    • Like 1
  8. You know what you're right I just read a separate article on their site that said 15 so I think the video just sounds misleading. But still 15 dollars a month suck just to play the game.


    OP Changed

    yeah i think at this point anything more then 10 bucks a month to me is not worth it considering where all the mmo's are at currently.

  9. They can't use the Kinect to Spy on us. Lets say that 100 million people buy the Xbox One... That means that a team of at the MOST only 100 or far fewer people would be monitoring us a little if at all. How could less than 35 people watch and keep tabs on well over 100 million people all at once, at all times. And most of the 100 million would be as boring as all hell to spy on anyways...


    Its either fat old hairy guys scratching their balls in their underwear... Or worse Naked.


    A child sitting in a sofa watching cartoons on Netflix, or playing Call Of Duty.


    A teenager eating snacks and drinking energy drinks or beer, while surfing the web in Internet Exploder app on XBL or something.


    Or a family playing a game or watching a movie together.


    Or a gamer guy/gal playing games.



    I don't speak for everyone, but I for one sure as heck don't stand in front of the TV flexing my muscles, flashing my GPA, and shouting my whole lives story out-loud for the whole world to hear. So even if I was a person of interest, picked out of the whole giant ocean of other gamers to be spied on, all that M$ would see is a dark living room with a glass table and a love seat, a couch, and a recliner rocking chair... And then when my dad, brother or I are in the room, they would stop watching after 20 seconds because we would be deemed boring normal folks.

    if they can record what we look at on the internet and phones and txt messages. seeing us on a camera should be no problem. As a goverment in terms of secruity i would totaly Buy a contact with mircosoft to use the function honestly. txt messages say bad things all the time but doesn't stop them.

  10. are you kidding sprint is awsome?! i love how it went from an armor ability (reach) to a standard default (4). it makes it soo much easier to track down a kill or attempt to hide to recover shields and then get back and the action.


    let the haters hate. if they are hating on sprint then they are hating on the entire FPS area. as Self Destruct said (post 2)



    if they dont like it, let them go back to pre halo reach days (halo 1, halo 2, and halo 3) were you crept along at a snail's pace, not being able to catch flag/oddball holder's without the help of a vehicle, walking into ambushes that you could of prevented, and so on


    gives a fresh take and allows new ideas. who knows, these new maps might be the next "sandtrap", "sidewinder", and "headlong"

    yeah new ideas for a new game and not a franchise that as it looks goes down the drain. you can't play any of the halo 1,2,3 arena style maps on 4 because of sprint alone its game breaking for this game. But if this is the direction halo wants to take all good gotta try new ideas even if you fail or succed.

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