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  1. BRING BACK BTB OBJECTIVE! my other main concern is the absence of one flag an one ball assault game types. the real meat of the game is in theses multiplayer variants. classic maps such as ivory tower, headlong, and zanzibar wouldn't be what they are without 1 flag. also a three man multi team would be great,as well as a double team gametype. just as long as there are no litte kid variants like hog race, those should be in their own matchmaking lobby. theres nothing more infuriating than sitting in a gametype you dont want. the easier it is to get into a game that you want, not only will u have fun, the other people in your game will be more likely play instead of screw around. im glad your listening to the fans 343 this could easily become the greatest halo game ever if you keep you loyal customers happy. thanks.
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