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  1. Let me start by saying that halo 4 is extremely fun. Everything seems to work. I love that the br has been reintroduced. However, the game has been a terrible hesdache. I purchased my copy of halo 4 limited edition months in advanced in excitement for its release. 3 days before the release my xbox decided it was going to redring. So I trade mine in and buy a 4gb xbox slim. Upon purchase I asked the clerk if 4gb would be enough to just play halo 4. He told me yes. Upon release i was informe that i would have to come back to get my maps bc they werent printing.I recieved my copy of halo 4 and rushed home to start playing. I entered all of my I went to play multiplayer and quickly found out that I didn't have enough memory to download. So I rushed to walmart and purchased a 16 gb flash drive. With this method aparrently there is 0 acess to file share. <--; LAME Today I went to check out my specializations and for some reason I don't have access to any of them. Also the xp cap is lame. Sometimes I won't even get xp shortly after cap resets..
  2. I had the same problem at sr24, the game said I had reached my xp limit. I tried to google the hot topics to get this xp cap removed. Later while I was playing campain a friend sent me a message saying they removed the xp cap. However, I believe I have ran into the same problem only 2 lvls higher at sr26. Only this time, I didn't receive any notifications stating I have reached my limit. Can we just remove this xp cap all together? Thanks ^^ P.S. in fact.. It was about 20 mins ago
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