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Everything posted by noaim

  1. they arent going to need your "proof" if you played before the 20th they know.. and the email is being sent to your xbox live account email no need to post it here.. the email comes directly from microsoft as a "gift" I got mine a few hours ago
  2. I got my email.. however I find this post a bit funny because for the last however many years halo has been around there has always been some people who say "if you dont do this I will be donee with halo.." truth is they could release halo 5 in a month and you would probably buy it anyway..
  3. there is nothing on it with that link..
  4. yes because someone wanted to pad there account to 3 posts... looks like a post count spam to me..
  5. I highly doubt it... its the same theory as world of warcraft xp doesnt go past your max level until they up the cap
  6. I preordered my regular copy of halo 4 and still havent received a code to go past level 70.. this is pretty frustrating and I feel cheated.. why would I preorder the game next time if I can't get all the content.. it makes me want to trade in my copy and never play again..
  7. Moderators please dont like my topic and point me to another one that has nothing to do with my problem.. With preordering you received a code for a ghost avatar item in xbox live (not inside the halo 4 game) I downloaded it and cant activate it anyone else have this issue? The moderator locked my post and pointed me here http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/16384-server-issues-bugs-errors-post-them-here-community-info-topic/ which has nothing to do with what I am asking..
  8. Anyone else having issues getting the Ghost avatar item to be available?
  9. In previous versions of halo we were able to track tons and tons of achievments awards ranks etc on the bungie site.. will halo 4 have that?
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