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Posts posted by RisingPho3nix

  1. Bring her back as an enemy something that has been corrupted by the rampancy combined with halo 5 bad guys plans. Then somehow you save her and she becomes human or something. That would be awesome provided you arnt forced to kill her. Like she is in pain because of the emotions of fighting chief and hurting him and eventually that's what helps bring her back. Something I think about. Nobody would see it coming :)


    That would grow chiefs character as well because he would have to search his soul to appeal to her humanity and therefor find his own without any heavy cliche. Any good? Or am I just crazy?


    This approach could work in a novel, movie, or RPG, but given the length and pacing of Halo 4's campaign and assuming Halos 5 and 6 have similar lengths and pacings, this would simply require too much buildup and development than they'd be able to deliver in the game.

    • Like 1
  2. I agree most with the Armor Designs. I think most of them are seven shades of horrible. Most are either too big and blocky, or simply too outlandish for me to take seriously as legitimate armor. It's really depressing, because it's such a complete flip from Halo: Reach, where I liked most of the designs even though I had my personal favorites.


    It seems like in this game, my choices of armor are going to be decided by which pieces I hate the least. :'(

  3. I posted my own thread about why the death of Cortana is actually a good thing. Might give you a new perspective on the ending. http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/17116-opinion-why-cortana-was-a-good-thing/


    In any case, she's dead for now, but I have a feeling she'll come back. And even if she doesn't, I think the Master Chief will become a much stronger, much more compelling character as the result of her loss.

  4. In a way i agree i would rather her not come back, just for the fact that her and john and unstoppable together, it is time for change, if they bring her back it might seem like they are repeating themselves


    Whether she comes back or not, I'm honestly fine. If she doesn't come back, I can easily see the series ending with Master Chief taking over the training of the SPARTAN-IV's, teaching them what it truly means to be Spartans.

  5. I will lose my **** if The Flood come back. In a bad way. They were a significant part of the original trilogy, but some of my favorite Halo games are the ones without The Flood. Specifically ODST and Halo 4. Also keep in mind the Gravemind was destroyed with the firing of Installation 04B at the end of Halo 3. So unless there is another one out there...


    Not to mention that at this point, after 3 games, the plot of The Flood being released and the Chief/Cortana stopping them is just plain tired. Stopping The Flood was the subplot in every game in the Halo trilogy. It was finished in Halo 3, and it needs to stay that way.


    Now, with that out of the way, I think your points about The Arbiter are fair. I think it would be funny if he were the only one not surprised by the Master Chief still being alive. And I think them uniting the humans and the non-Storm Covenant to take down Didact and his Storm Covenant servants would be epic. :)

    • Like 8
  6. Yeah I read your post. I thought you made a solid point but I respectfully disagree about not wanting Cortana back.


    Honestly, there are plenty of ways to keep the halo franchise fresh, and killing Cortana is not necessary. Seriously, I play video games for fun. The death of Cortana was not fun. I know that I probably sound like some weird gamer nerd when I say this, but the separation of Chief/Cortana really gets to me. I just think it goes against the halo that I've always known and loved.


    I think 343 did an amazing job with the game, but for me there's no point in playing a halo game without Cortana


    That's fair enough. And the more I think about it, the more I think her return is pretty much inevitable. Because as much as I believe her "death" was required to humanize the Master Chief, I also believe that humanity is wasted if there is no one there to truly appreciate John's transformation. So given that, I think that the ending of Halo 5 (most likely the Legendary one) will feature Cortana's return in some fashion.

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  7. So you think by making the game like cod that it has somehow evolved? You can't bite off another game and call it evolution. I don't want all FPS games to be the same, but in the future it's looking like that's how it's going to be. "Evolve" this guy says... what a joke.


    If Halo 4 didn't add anything new to the multiplayer, THAT is what would make it more like CoD.

  8. WHERE have you been the past 5 days? Are you just ignoring all the upset-ness on the Internet?

    So far everywhere i go i see complaints about Halo 4, and i see VERY FEW positive things.

    None of these are facts, just my observations, which means they're facts..


    All things Halo 4 related have been nothing but bitching, complaining whining w/e. Obviously 343 has royally ****** up.


    Go look up Halo 4 on Amazon.com. Currently, there are a total of 178 reviews and 115 of those are 5 stars. I also just checked Metacritic. Out of 1122 user reviews, 632 are positive and 451 are negative. So overall, the majority reaction to this game has been positive.


    If anything, Halo 4 has simply split the fanbase between those who were hoping that Halo would evolve under 343's care (myself included), and those who were hoping it would stay exactly the same.

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  9. My personal favorite gametypes are Oddball and Domination. Being able to pass the ball makes Oddball SO much more fun for me than it has been previously. I'm personally hoping for a dedicated Single Flag CTF playlist. I loved that mode in Halo 2 and 3 and can't wait for it to make its return. :)

  10. Apparently these covenant are a storm faction that still believe in the Great Journey. That's what I heard.


    Pretty much this. The story is really covered in a new trilogy of books bridging Halo 3 and Halo 4, like how the First Strike novel bridged Halo: CE and Halo 2. The first of those novels is Halo: Glasslands, and the second is Halo: The Thursday War.

  11. In my opinion, having played most of the multiplayer halo games, the DMR is indeed overpowered compaired to other weapons, the only other weapon that can drop a player faster at long range is a sniper, binary cannon, or the spartan laser. The DMR, as is, allows players to essentally spawn in with a sniper rifle. This is hardly fair to the other team. While it may be overpowered at closer ranges, a quick melee and two shots from the DMR will still bring down nearly anyone.


    The only way to be save from the DMR is to either stay inside (which almost no maps have adequate indoor sections to facilitate staying inside as an effective tactic.) Or to counter with either a long range power weapon (Sniper, rail gun, spartan laser, binary cannon) but even then, the DMR still has a faster fire rate than all of those weapons, and nearly as much power as a sniper rifle.


    So yes, the DMR needs a heavy damage drop along with perhaps even a clip size reduction, it could be considered a power weapon as it currently stands.


    Comparing the DMR to the Sniper Rifle is flat out stupid. The SR is a two shot kill, and a one hit headshot kill. The DMR takes 5 headshots to kill someone. If the DMR has its damage or range nerfed, then it will either be inferior to the BR, or become a functional clone of it.

  12. So because there are a number of us who like/love the game, we're automatically in denial?


    And as I said in my earlier post: "The reason why the negative voices are the loudest is because the people who have positive thoughts about the game don't generally feel the need to scream their opinions over every internet outlet they can find."


    And also, everything I've always loved about Halo 4 is still here. And Halo:CE was THE reason I got an Xbox.

  13. I completely agree with 99% of everything you said, and the reasoning behind it. I would also add that narratively, it succeeded in making me feel something to a degree that no other Halo game previous to it has. And I think people forget, this wasn't the only part of the game that strongly hints at an opening window into John's soul that we haven't seen before.



    His relationship with Lasky is probably the most fleshed out of any besides that of he and Halsey and Cortana, if you include Forward Unto Dawn in that equation. His voice cracked with emotion in the final scene, something I can't remember him ever doing before. The opening cinematic raised the possibility that John is "fundamentally broken" at his core due to his abduction and Spartan training. He disobeyed direct orders. He ignored the logic and the tactical reality of his situation and experienced real denial over Cortana's death briefly. He clearly begins to question the man/machine conflict within himself as he stands there looking down on Earth at the end of the game. It is alluded to that he is being replaced, is seen as property, and is increasingly obsolete. That opens a LOT of potential story avenues. He's not unique or even preeminent anymore, necessarily. (Not that he was ever the only Spartan, but he was seen as the best. Now he's "an aging Spartan.") And in the Legendary Ending, we see his face - albeit almost none of it, and only for like a picosecond lol. But still. Imo all of this hints at a more human Master Chief, and a more compelling plot for the next two games in my opinion. Not just Cortana's death. And if her death serves as the emotional catalyst for that, then it is great writing, and a very bold choice on their part in my book, and I am GLAD they did it. I agree insomuch as that.



    But the 1% I disagree with, is the conclusion based on said reasoning -

    that Cortana should never come back. Cortana's death affected me much more deeply than most games have succeeded in doing. Part of it is the amazing performances both the motion capture actress and Jen Taylor gave. Part of it was my having read the books, and the sort of maternal role Halsey has toward John, and how that probably unconsciously underscores his feelings toward Cortana on some level. But another, bigger part of it... outside the game... was that the MC-Cortana dynamic has been one of rather few consistent things in my gaming. We've been with these characters for 11 years. And she isn't an ancilliary character. She's a main character. She isn't just the companion of the heart of the Halo games in my mind. She is one half of that heart. As I get older and life changes - often for the worse - there are only a few things I can rely on and look forward to. One of them is gaming, and one part of that is the familiar but evolving fun that every Halo game brings with it.


    I can appreciate the narrative impact of Cortana's death, and I can even say I think having one entire game without her would be great because we do need to see a vulnerable, lost, human Master Chief. And that can't happen with her there. But on a selfish level, I just don't want that character dead permanently. I know the series will end someday, and nothing can last forever. But dammit. I want it to have a happy ending when that day finally arrives. I don't think John can have the peace you speak of without Cortana. And knowing that, neither can I in some small respect.


    Seriously... the death scene did a number on me (which means they did their job, don't get me wrong) after a very emotional year in real life. This was the game I was looking forward to finding some happiness and fun in after all of that. Moving story, yes. But permanent death... I hope not.


    My hope is that through some combination of her being copied into the Librarian, and the humanoid-digitization technology of the Forerunners, she can return. Either as an AI, perhaps even as a human woman... or if you want to get really crazy with it, as "part of" John, in his consciousness. A more human extension of what they had before, as she was "part of" his mechanical armor. i.e. they were connected as machines, and now they will be connected as souls. I know, corny. But I can hope.



    That said, I totally understand what you're saying and find the reasoning sound.



    If she comes back, I would prefer her to come back as a human via the Forerunner technology you mention. I think that would do wonders for the humanizing angle of the story. Her hard light form touching the Chief's armor is one thing. Imagine what it would do to both of them if she came back as a human and physically touched the Master Chief's face! I can only hope 343 has the balls to do this. :P


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  14. obviously not, its a case of balance, atm DMR has no effective weakness. it kills as fast as the other loadouts, its more accurate, it suffers no accuracy loss, and is a precision weapon. saying its harder to use in CQC doesnt cut it as i can counter with when using a AR i CANNOT long range. that right there makes it obvious its not balanced. by choosing DMR your lethal at every level of gameplay.


    im not even asking for a shortening of range or something weird like unable to use at close range, im just asking for a slight accuracy punishment for spammed shots at long range.


    So then what's wrong with the BR? Because on most maps, the BR and DMR function exactly the same. The only time the DMR seems to come out on top is on the big maps.


    My biggest problem with tweaking the DMR at all comes from the fact that the BR is also in this game. If we reduce the accuracy or range of the DMR, then it becomes a BR clone. If we nerf the damage, then the BR becomes more powerful by default. So unless you have another solution, nerfing the DMR in any way makes it so that it no longer has it's own place in the sandbox. You might as well just ask 343 to remove it from the game entirely.


    5. Atleast it's not Halo Reach.



    This^. So this.


    Even though I don't play much multiplayer, that's just because I prefer the attack/defense gametypes like Single-Flag CTF and Assault, which are sadly nowhere to be found thus far. :'(

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