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    Fitness, Art, Gaming (obviously), Music, Sports, Drawing, etc.

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  1. This is the story of one man's journey to get Halo 4 LE on November 2nd; when it's completely sold out. Like every normal working college student, I put off getting the game due to school and paying rent, so when payday came around and I could finally afford to pre-order the game I hopped onto the nearest computer ASAP. And as everybody knows, it was gone. So I went onto ebay like any sensible gentlemen and found a game for $109. Here comes the problem that I didn't notice until after: it was the Chinsese version of the game. So I immediately requested a refund and went and got the US version for the more expected and inflated price of $150, and the next morning received an email from the Chinese retailer that they refuse to refund my order. So in total, Halo 4 cost me $259. Was it stupid? Yes, easily one of the crappiest I've made. Will the game(s) be worth it? I sure as hell hope so. How far would you go for Halo 4 LE?
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