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Everything posted by Catness

  1. dedicated servers come in handy, everyone I've been on has had hackers banned within five minutes, but even on any other server all you have to do is boot them and report them
  2. I think the elites in halo 2 had to be the best, their armour in halo 3 was pretty cool but their heads stick out too much
  3. I'd have to say I loved every level, but the one that frustrates me the most would have to be 'sacred icon' on legendary, it was bad enough on heroic lol
  4. It would be great if halo 3 was on pc, I can't get an xbox and wouldn't even if I could For me first person shooters and controllers don't mix http://pcgamingcorne...rdpress/?p=1115 This websites shows news of a port being made if you wanna check it out
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