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Posts posted by Shmerrick

  1. Halo 5 won't be for PC. The new Xbox will be out by then, and Microsoft would need as much Xbox sales as possible, and since Halo is their biggest seller, they can't afford to lose sales to PC.


    I just don't understand this argument though. Most consumers aren't going to run out and build a $1,000 computer opposed to a $400 Xbox 720, just so they can play Halo. Microsoft will be acquiring a new market. With the game already running in DX11, a quick port would be effortless.

  2. Not enough market share and people would pirate the PC version instead of upgrading to the next Xbox console.

    you get a short answer from me


    NO, NO HALO to PC it's an XBOX exclusive


    Ignorance is bliss. I love how neither of you even read what I said.

  3. With Halo 4 obviously not hosting support for PC, do we plan on seeing a version of Halo 5 available on PC? With the next generation of consoles coming in a little more than a year, and the new consoles supporting DX11, why would it not be a good idea for Halo to saturate the PC market that Microsoft already holds the keys to. Some of the reasons I want to play Halo 5 on the PC include superior graphics (SSAO, AA, 2560x1440+), better matchmaking (private servers, XBL), social networking (Facebook, Ventrilo, TeamSpeak, Mumble), better load times and performance (SSDs, Multi-Core CPUs, cutting edge GPUs), ease of use in creating gameplay videos/miniseries (RvB, Dxtory, Fraps, YouTube), and the support of the modding communities that keep games alive in the hearts of the fans for years to come. (Steam Workshop, Nexus)


    I grew up with consoles, but as I get older there is just too little to be offered by these constantly antiquated and inefficient toys. Having the games I love to play, my music, HD movies, unrestrictive browsing, social communities, and the workspace that maintains my lifestyle all in one place at my fingertips 24/7 is a must have. The encumbrance of console gaming allows me to do none of this, but game. The internet and the technologies that support it are expanding far too rapidly for us to be stuck in the dark ages of consoles and the endless control of the media we consume. The ability to play the games you want on whatever platform you desire will only benefit you in ways you might not even have discovered, and will obviously benefit the providers of said content by allowing them to explore and capitalize new markets. It is a win-win situation for everyone, and I implore 343 and Microsoft to reevaluate their current stance on the gaming market. For the arguments to be presented on the issues of piracy and ‘hacking’ in the PC environment, I suggest you do some scholarly research on those issues before spewing your assumptions, misunderstanding, and erroneous ignorance on these boards.

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  4. I would have to go with the Scorpion. While I agree that it is slow, the damage output and virtually limitless straight line trajectory are unparalleled. What would significantly increase the wraiths effectiveness is if it could fire it's plasma balls faster. Sometimes I don’t even consider the Wraith worth my time in Halo: Reach.

  5. Halo should never leave the Xbox. Halo one of the Xbox's main exclusive and we cannot afford to loose it.


    With the Xbox currently dominating the gaming market, I don't M$ will be losing anything. Have you forgotten that M$ owns Windows and Xbox?


    You realise PC has had Halo for 10 years? losing it is a lil too late


    Most of these kids never played the origonal. It's sad really


    XBOX is literally unstoppable at this point. Even with all their exclusives PS3 is still outmatched by XBOX's superior party system, less pointless updates, etc. Halo should branch out.


    I agree that Halo should branch out, especially with how ancient the 360 is and how dated even the next Xbox will be in comparison to PC performace and multi-tasking capabilities.


    No Halo will never be on Pc or it will be completely ruined


    Halo 1 and 2 were already on the PC and they were excellent dispite the horrible port. Do you realize that the modding communities on the PC keep games alive for 10+ years. Just look at the Bethesday games.


    No sorry, but halo won't be leaving the Xbox until Microsoft gives up the rights and a fan ports it otherwise.


    M$ owns the rights to Windows and Xbox. I don't see the problem.


    Assuming all goes according plan (economy and pounding posts), we may be fortunate enough to see Halo 3 come to the PC platform. Let's face it, as far as system resources and capabilities go, Halo 3 PC would put the Xbox exclusive to bed and shame it a thousand times over. It's not a matter of selling the righta, it is more about lincensing the title out to a developer and ha ing that developer eat the cost of porting it, and sharing the profits....ala what Gearbox did for Halo 1.


    Slave, please elaborate on how and why Halo would be finished if they ported the titles to PC.


    As much as I would love to see Halo 3 on the PC, I highly doubt it would happen. Ports are one thing, but having a game actaully made for PC is another. Consoles are still running on DX9!


    Yes, Gearbox did port Halo 1 to PC. But they ported it far too poorly. And yes, Halo is now an 'xbox exclusive' but PC's aren't consoles. They are computers, just PC's have the capability to play games. And I don't care about new halo games being ported, even if Halo was ported again it would be fine just as long as it is done right.


    As much as I agree with your desire to bring Halo to PC, I think you're a bit misguided in what you think a computer is. A console is a computer, much the same as a PC is a computer. The only difference is that a console has a locked OS with hardware bound to it, a PC on the other hand has none of this. Bringing Halo to PC would nothing but benificial, it would play just the same as consoles, but look, feel, sound, and play 1000 times better.


    what's the point of putting it on PC? the reason most games are going on xbox is because they can't be torrent downloaded or anything like that, also, because console gaming is becoming more and more popular also, more sales will be on consoles, what's the point of putting it on PC? they won't make huge sales like they will on xbox, more so because Halo is one of the biggest titles on the xbox going.


    Your ignorance on piracy is appauling. I guess I stole all those Steam games in my library.


    Porting halo to PC again = 3 steps forward, 4 steps backwards.


    What? It takes literally not effort to port a game to PC. How is this backward progress? Afraid to lose to your PC betters?


    No Halo will never be on Pc


    To late, it already is.

  6. i would kill myself if halo was on PC


    Why? How would this negatively effect you. If anythin it would offer you to play with a much larger group of people. Adding PC support for people who grew up with and love Halo is an excellent idea. I want to play my games at 2560x1440x60 with SSAO, AA, High Res textures, etc. Graphics aside, playing on PC opens actual VOIP support and a plethora of social media and guild/clan connections. I say again, how could this be a bad thing. And don't bring up hacking and/or piracy, those things happen on the consoles just as much if not more on consoles.


    Halo should not be made for computer. first of all i think forge would be harder to use. second, i believe that there would be more modding/hacking or pc than on console.

    you say there is plenty of hacking on all systems but in all my time playing halo i have never seen or been in a game with anyone who was modding. personally, i would hate to see halo for pc because i enjoy playing on console much more and if it came out for pc then there would be a much smaller community to play with on xbox


    Forge would be harder to use? You do realize that the game is created on the PC, you know, with actual world building software, how on Earth could it be harder? In addittion, you're probably to young to have played Halo 2, but that game had TONS of hacking and mods even before the PC release. I don't even know how to answer your last point. Really? Halo coming out on PC would stop you playing it on Xbox? Have millions of more people connecting to XBL to play with you would make the community smaller? With ignorance like this it's no wonder Halo will stay on Xbox.

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