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  1. G'Day guys, I just wanted to share with you my new Machinima: "How To Play Halo 4". I hope that this video will be a first in a series to come of short, comedic, Halo related sketches. ___________________________________________________________________ I would just like to point out that this video CONTAINS BRIEF COARSE LANGUAGE . ___________________________________________________________________ If this video violates any forum rules, please let me know. I am all ears for criticism, both constructive and abusive ! Enjoy!
  2. Thanks for the feedback, I have only used 3 'pre-fab' buildings on the map as it was the easiest and cheapest option to have 'settlements' scattered across the island. The prison is where the most forge pieces are centred. Admittedly I need to go through and re-make the map more efficiently, however I was more pushing this through a "proof-of-concept" phase. Obviously that means there is still work to be done!
  3. This map looks spectacular! I will download and check it out!
  4. Not a problem, thank you! Everyone is contained to the Island as there is a large safe area boundary that prevents the players from going into Hemmorhage and what not. Although the Falcon has more than enough "breathing room" the players are nicely contained within the area and it is not possible to reach any other part of Forge World. Even if a player decides to stay right on the edge of the map near the cave, it is actually one of the most exposed locations on the map and they can be easily killed. Thanks for the comment!
  5. Name of Map: Prison Break Canvas Map: Forge World Link to MAP: http://halo.xbox.com/haloreach/filebrowser/details/30890292 Link to Gametype: http://halo.xbox.com/haloreach/filebrowser/details/30890299 Recommended Player Count: 12 Game Variant: Slayer Gamertag: TheSarge007 An Infection Game / Mini Game where the Prisoners (Humans) have to escape the Prison and flee to the island whilst being hunted by the Prison Guards (Zombies). Any number of players is recommended. The PB_Run! gametype has a default setting of 2 zombies, however this will need to be altered depending on the number of players. I would recommend at least 25% of the players start as zombies. THE PRISON GUARDS: The Prison Guards can make use of the two Falcons which are used as spotlights. When a Prisoner enters the spotlight, a red arrow appears above their head, broadcasting their location to everyone on the map. Please note that this map has not been tested with 16 people, and the Prison Guard damage resistance may need to be tweaked. In several instances, communication and coordination may be required to take out a group of Prisoners holed up in the one location. The Prison Guards are equipped with DMR's and Energy Sword's however they will die instantly on receiving a headshot. Beware of this, Convicts can obtain DMR's very easily. In order for the Prison Guards to be successful, teamwork is a must THE CONVICTS: The objective is not specifically to hide, shootouts are encouraged! The Prisoners have free rein as to what they want to do, the whole Island is usable on this map. They are various weapon's scattered throughout the map, with a big juicy armory inside the prison itself, however the Prison Guards spawn very close to this. That being said, I have experienced several instances where a Convict(s) have camped successfully inside the prison, and some teamwork from the Prison Guards was required to take them out. Convicts are allowed to drive vehicles, (Bar the Falcon) however they are not able to use the vehicle's weapons. YOUTUBE TRAILER:
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