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buffy the spartan buffalo

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Posts posted by buffy the spartan buffalo

  1. just to let you know this is a community forum so 343 wont see your complaints and also the flood dont have powerups...... and also who considers it the worst? i think it just makes it so it's harder for campers to live and makes the mode more fun in my opnion.

  2. Tactical, support packages. The option to customize your preferred weapons in load out. Ordinance drops. All players can sprint. Gameplay doesn't appear to have much resemblance to any previous halo game for me. Fyi just stating that the mantis seems to be a copy and paste of silverback to for the sake of adding a new vehicle when they could have just referred to some vehicles in halo wars.

    dude loadouts and packages and ordinance drops arent gonna kill you, just accept that they are changing it up a bit but it still more or less feels like halo.


    Yep, we can totally aim down sights, go prone, call in swarms of automated drones, call in airstrikes, start with any combo of 3-6 perks, add attachments to our guns, add camo to our knives, corner camp with a shotgun all day, choose any weapon available in MP to start with, and n00b tube. Sure as hell is just like Call of Duty. Especially since the player controls exactly the same, no getting used to running and aiming speed.



    good point lol.
  3. 1 Corinthians 13:"When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things."-King James Version Bible



    Ok, for all of you Fan-boys that's getting mad over trivial things, read the Bible verse above(Even if your not Christian like me, it's a great thing to apply to your life). It's time to face the facts. Bungie is done. They wasted the givin potential of this franchise. They gave us a crap load of alternate games when YOU know, all we want to see is the Chief. I didn't even bother buying any of those games. 343 has enlighten us with putting aspects of most sold video game ever into Halo(COD BO2- sold 500 Million copies in the first 24 hours) With Balancing and tweaking, 343 succeeded in making this game have all these aspects in the game and still FEEL and PLAY like Halo.


    Just face it. Time to grow up, time to evolve.


    PS-If you want the old aspects in it as well, just ask 343 kindly if they can put a classic games playlist. A playlist with all the old game modes and all the old Bungie aspects in the game(like no sprint, no custom classes,etc)

    please dont bring religion into a video game forum..... thats kind of wierd.
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  4. i get it 1 out of 10 times every ordinance drop i get and i think you can only get it from personal ordinace in team slayer but im not sure. also i like it, it has nice range for a shotty, good damage, but a bad design. i agree with the turning the tide of the game thing, unless your very good you cant change the game but you can easily get a killing frenzy. good topic :)

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