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Posts posted by Cry0G3n1c

  1. Awesome! This seems like a great site and i cant wait! :)


    it is. i feel good being on here and you will too. There many nice people on here. You have your occasional troll or spambot but other then that its fun :D

  2. Gonna miss ya bro. You did a lot for this forum, with all the news and tips for everyone. Hope you live a good life outside of here. We are gonna miss you lots. Take care and God bless.


    "It's Sad, But Sometimes, Moving On With The Rest Of Your Life Starts With A Single Goodbye"

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  3. Ok so my only 2 complaints on Flood Mode are, why does everyone have to be yellow. It ruins the whole point of making your own color spartan. Whats so great about being bright yellow. What other time do you get to see your own cool colors besides in Spartan Ops and customs?? That is something i hope they change. Now as for the lunge. Why the hell does it have to be where the flood only needs to be 15 feet away and jumps all the way to u and kills you. Thats bull crap. Also the shotgun kills are terrible too. Bulltrue does not exist at all. I enjoy flood mode. But the color and lunge is so stupid.

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